- theory of maxima and minima 极大极小论
- The inter-annual change of precipitation was analyzed through the ratio of maximum and minimum precipitation. 利用最大年降水量与最小年降水量比值来分析降水量的年际变化特徵。
- Maximum and minimum critical rates of deformation in open die extrusion are discussed on the basis of the slip field theory and the upper bound theory of plane state plastic deformation. 采用平面塑性变形的滑移线理论和上限理论对开式挤压成形工艺中的临界最小和临界最大变形率进行了分析计算,给出了挤压模角与临界最小和临界最大变形率的对应关系;
- On FEM simulating its stress and displacement characteristics, the contour of maximum and minimum principal stress have been drawn. 分析结果表明,长白山天池地区高陡斜坡整体稳定性较好,不会发生大规模崩塌。
- The results show that the efficiency of the centrifugal compressor alters obviously when the circumferential position of IGV changed, the variation of maximum and minimum efficiency is 1.9%. 结果表明,当进口导叶周向位置改变时,离心压缩机的效率有明显的变化,最高和最低效率点处效率相差1.;9%25。
- the calculus of maxima and minima of definite integrals. 正定积分的极大与极小的微积分学。
- Maintain the maximum and minimum par on all items. 确保各类货物的最大及最小库存量。
- Choose a partition size that is between the maximum and minimum sizes. 选择介于最大和最小值的磁盘分区大小。
- Persistency in Dialectical Unity of Maximum and Minimum Program of the CPC 始终坚持党的最低纲领与最高纲领的辩证统一
- Asymmetric Trend of Maximum and Minimum Temperature Change in Lanzhou 兰州最高最低气温的非对称变化
- To check the listings of spare parts with maximums and minimums. 检查备件的最高最低库存;
- Asymptotic Independence of Maxima and Minima of Locally Stationary Gaussian Processes 局部平稳高斯过程的最大值与最小值的渐近独立性
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。
- The Characteristics of Maximum and Minimum Temperature Changeand Distribution in Northwest China 我国西北地区地面最高和最低气温变化及分布的特征
- The Conditions of the Existence of Maximum and Minimum for the Partial Ordering Set 偏序集中最元的存在性条件
- Temperature Change and Asymmetric Change of Maximum and Minimum Temperature of Haikou, Hainan Province 海口市气温变化及最高最低气温的非对称变化
- Based on basic theory of maximum error minimum method, double arc parameters for normal tooth outline in rectangle spline hob are optimized to obtain tooth outline in workpiece with minimum error. 根据最大误差最小法的基本原埋,对矩形花键滚刀法向齿形的双圆弧参数进行了优化,使滚刀加工出的工件齿形误差最小。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- An Diagnosis Analysis of Asymmetry Variations of Maximum and Minimum Temperature in Qinghai Province 青海省最高、最低气温不对称性变化的诊断分析