- Chapter two Explaining the reason why the government gets involved in agricultural risk management, Expounding the cobweb theory, theory of information bug, theory of system innovation. 第二章 在理论上阐述政府为什么要介入农业风险管理。 主要从蛛网理论、信息缺陷理论、制度创新理论等角度,阐释政府介入的必要性。
- The concept of coal system is based on coal geology and the theory of system. 从煤地质学和系统论结合的基础上提出含煤系统的概念。
- theory of system management 系统管理理论
- LCC analysis method is a science of system management, whose ultimate aim is to purchase and use the most efficient equipment with the least possible funds. LCC分析法是一种系统管理科学,其目的是用最少的经费购买和使用最有效的装备。
- It applies the theory of system engineering and gives a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method of APTS and an application example. 在研究中应用系统工程理论提出了先进的公共交通系统的模糊综合评价方法,并给出了评价示例。
- Grillet's critique on Balzac's theory focused on Balzac's "Theory of System" and "Theory of depicting human beings". 于是主要针对巴尔扎克的“体系说”和“写人论”展开了批判。
- During the realization of virtual machine of system back, we consult the theory of JVM and . 在系统后端虚拟机实现方面;借鉴了JVM 和.
- System Management: Any special requirements in terms of change control, for example, or other aspect of systems management. 系统管理:比如任何变更控制方面的特别需求,或者其他系统管理方面的需求。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- Abstract: On Problems in Animal Husbandry Industry of China, Contraries Problems, According to Theory of System Science and Ecology, Exploring Strategy of Intercede and Control. 文摘:论述了我国目前畜牧业产业化发展中存在的几个主要问题,针对问题,依据系统科学和生态学原理探讨了宏观调控方略。参4。
- Victim-offender-reconciliation, a kind of system dealing with criminal disputes, is born from the theory of restorative justice in western countries. 摘要刑事和解是西方社会在恢复性司法理念下所孕育的一种刑事案件解决模式。
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦的相对论。
- As the theoretical foundation of system of change of real right, theory of juristic act of real right is created by civil law of Germany. 作为物权变动制度的理论基础,物权行为理论为德国民法所创制。
- The article applies theory of ecology of system economics, organization and area innovation to come the property of dialytic industry group. 本文运用制度经济学、组织生态学和区域创新理论来透析产业集群的性质。
- Do you agree to the wave theory of light? 你同意光的波动理论吗?
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。
- Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) is a set of systems management technologies developed to unify the management of distributed computing environments. WBEM是为统一分布式计算环境下的系统管理技术的集合。
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 达尔文提出了进化论。
- On Problems in Animal Husbandry Industry of China, Contraries Problems, According to Theory of System Science and Ecology, Exploring Strategy of Intercede and Control. 论述了我国目前畜牧业产业化发展中存在的几个主要问题,针对问题,依据系统科学和生态学原理探讨了宏观调控方略。参4。
- On layer of system management, three kinds of fusion output views are provided, which are convenient for manager to integrate larger scale alert information and perform high-level analysis and illation. 在系统管理界面层,设计了三种融合输出视图,为管理者综合更大范围的报警信息,进行更高层次的分析推理提供了方便。