
[θɪk]     [θɪk]    
  • adj. 厚的;浓密的;粗的;愚笨的
thickish thickly thicker thickest



adj. (形容词)
  1. 浓的,厚的,浓厚的,浓重的
  2. 黏稠的,稠密的
  3. 茂密的,浓密的
  4. 阴霾的
  5. 粗的
  6. 密集的
  7. 混浊的,浑浊的
  8. 充满...的,拥满的
  9. 能见度低的
  10. 不透气的
  11. 亲密的
adv. (副词)
  1. 厚厚地,浓浓地
  2. 密,浓,稠,浊
  3. 又快又多
  4. 频频地,时常
  5. 不清晰地
  6. 太过分,过度
  7. 强烈地
  8. 密集地
n. (名词)
  1. 最激烈处(时候),最紧张时,最强烈部分
  2. 在…最繁忙的时候
  3. 处于…最活跃部份
  4. 在密集处,密茂处
  5. 不顾艰难险阻,赴汤蹈火
  6. 同甘共苦
  7. 最厚的部分,最浓部分
  8. 笨蛋,傻子
  9. 可可粉
v. (动词)
  1. 使变厚


adj. (形容词)
  1. 厚的,粗的 of relatively great distance or of a specified distance between opposite surfaces or sides
  2. 稠密的,密集的,茂密的 have a large number of units close together
  3. 浓的,黏稠的 (of a liquid or paste) relatively stiff in consistency; not flowing easily
  4. 不清澈的,混浊的,浓的 (of a vapour or the atmosphere) not clear; dense
  5. 很明显的,重的; 不清楚的 very noticeable; not clear in sound
  6. [P]充满的,布满的 full of; covered with
  7. [P]荒唐的,不合情理的 beyond what is reasonable or satisfactory
  8. [P]感情深的 very friendly
adv. (副词)
  1. 厚厚地,密密地,浓浓地 so as to be thick; thickly
n. (名词)
  1. [S]最活跃的部分; 活动最频繁的地点或时间 the part, place, time, etc., of greatest activity


  1. the location of something surrounded by other things;

    "in the midst of the crowd"

  1. not thin; of a specific thickness or of relatively great extent from one surface to the opposite usually in the smallest of the three solid dimensions;

    "an inch thick"
    "a thick board"
    "a thick sandwich"
    "spread a thick layer of butter"
    "thick coating of dust"
    "thick warm blankets"

  2. having component parts closely crowded together;

    "a compact shopping center"
    "a dense population"
    "thick crowds"
    "a thick forest"
    "thick hair"

  3. relatively dense in consistency;

    "thick cream"
    "thick soup"
    "thick smoke"
    "thick fog"

  4. spoken as if with a thick tongue;

    "the thick speech of a drunkard"
    "his words were slurred"

  5. having a short and solid form or stature;

    "a wrestler of compact build"
    "he was tall and heavyset"
    "stocky legs"
    "a thickset young man"

  6. hard to pass through because of dense growth;

    "dense vegetation"
    "thick woods"

  7. (of darkness) very intense;

    "thick night"
    "thick darkness"
    "a face in deep shadow"
    "deep night"

  8. (used informally) associated on close terms;

    "a close friend"
    "the bartender was chummy with the regular customers"
    "the two were thick as thieves for months"

  9. (used informally) stupid

  10. abounding; having a lot of;

    "the top was thick with dust"

  1. with a thick consistency;

    "the blood was flowing thick"

  2. in quick succession;

    "misfortunes come fast and thick"



用作形容词 (adj.)
  1. He put on a thick sweater since it was cold in the morning.
  2. The mountain was covered with a thick layer of snow.
  3. There is a thick forest behind the village.
  4. Her thick and dark hair hangs all the way to her shoulder.
  5. cam and camshaft grinding machine


用作形容词 (adj.)
a bit thick
    太过分了,不合情理 beyond what is reasonable or satisfactory
as thick as thieves
    亲密无间,亲密得不得了 very friendly
as thick as two short planks
    愚蠢的 stupid
the thick end of
    〈英·非正〉几乎和…一样多 almost as much as...
thick on the ground
    〈非正〉遍地都是,有的是 plentiful
用作副词 (adv.)
thick and fast
    〈非正〉密集地,接二连三,又快又多 quickly and in large numbers
用作名词 (n.)
in the thick of sth
    在…最激烈的时刻,在…的最激烈处,处在…的中心 in the most active〔dense〕 part of sth
through thick and thin
    共患难,同甘苦; 不顾艰难险阻,在任何情况下 through both good or bad time; in spite of all the difficulties


用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词 名词+~ ~+介词
用作名词 (n.)
介词+~ ~+介词


  • The man's..fingers..were short, blunt and thick.

    出自: G. Greene
  • Eyes made huge by thick glasses.

    出自: J. Steinbeck
  • A template cut from quarter-inch-thick maple.

    出自:New York Times
  • My very thick; it can keep out snowdrifts.

    出自:Sunday Times
  • I..put on a thick layer of shaving cream.

  • When dark hath thicked to night.

    出自: W. de la Mare
  • The butter's spread too thick.

    出自: L. Carroll
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