- The thick mist clouded the mountain-top. 浓雾笼罩着山顶。
- All the planes were socked in yesterday because of the thick mist. 由于雾大,昨天所有的飞机都停飞了。
- The motoring organizations have advised of thick mist on the mountains. 各汽车协会组织已发出警告,山上有大雾。
- A thick mist scummed the windshields. 浓雾使挡风玻璃蒙上一层水沫。
- Thick mists closed about the city. 浓雾笼罩着该城。
- The hills were cloaked in thick mist. 大雾笼罩着群山。
- Daybreak comes with thick mist and drizzle. 黎明时分,大雾弥漫,细雨蒙蒙。
- The thick mist clouded the mountains . 浓雾遮住了群山。
- The thick mist clouded the mountains. 浓雾遮住了群山。
- A thick mist rose over the hilltop. 山头上升腾起白蒙蒙的雾气。
- A thick mist rose over the lake. 湖面升起一层漠漠的烟雾。
- In the thick mist,the captain had to home in by using radar. 在浓雾中,船长只得借助雷达返回基地。
- There was a thick mist,but it soon began to pass off. 雾气很浓,但不久就开始消散了。
- In the thick mist, the captain had to home in by using radar. 在浓雾中,船长只得借助雷达返回基地。
- It is difficult to shine a light through its this thick mist. 光线很难穿透这么浓的雾。
- There was a thick mist, but it soon began to pass off. 雾气很浓,但不久就开始消散了。
- We finally reached the summit, which was now cloaked in thick mist. 我们终于到达了浓雾缭绕的顶峰。
- Around mid-morning, the rain came in quite heavy with thick mist. 上午十点左右,暴雨挟着浓雾骤然而至。
- The motoring organization is warning of thick mist and blowing snow. 交通部门正警告人们当心大雾和暴风雪。
- The night was dark and frosty and a thick mist hung over the rugged snow-laden hills of the Ardennes Forest. 这天晚上天很黑,有霜冻,浓雾笼罩着阿登林附近的大雪覆盖着的崎岖的群山。