- He should complete at this moment. 此刻他应该已经完成了。
- He has possibly come at this moment. 此刻他可能已经来了。
- At this moment a strange idea came upon him. 此时,他突然产生了一个奇怪的想法。
- At this moment she noticed the secretary coming in. 这时她注意到书记走了进来。
- I've waited for this moment my whole life long. 我一生都在等待这个时刻。
- More than moths I have waited for this moment. 这些日子来我一直在等着这一刻。
- This moment is the only thing that matters. 这个时刻是唯一要紧的事情。
- He got a sudden strange feeling at this moment. 这时,突然一种异样的感觉又充斥了他的脑海。
- I have been waiting and hoping for this moment. 我一直期待着这一刻。
- Catherine had been ice up to this moment. 凯瑟琳至此可说是冷若冰霜。
- I know : I am a waked angell at this moment . 我知道:此时;我是一个醒了的天使.
- Mother must be occupied in cooking at this moment. 妈妈现在肯定是忙着做饭。
- This is the majesty and the meaning of this moment. 这正是此时此刻之庄严及其意义所在。
- And we must seize this moment and deliver. 我们必须把握时机为此做出自己的贡献。
- Eggs are plentiful at this moment. 现在鸡蛋很多。
- At this moment Sonny was capable of anything. 在此刻,桑儿什么事情也干得出来。
- From this moment I renounce your friendship. 从现在起,我和你绝交。
- He probably had a recorder going at this moment. 说不定现在他的录音机正开着呢!
- Don't allow him to come in at this moment. 不要让他在这会儿进来。
- But I cannot recall your name at this moment. 现在我真想不起你的名字。