- This research project is of great worth. 这一研究项目很有价值。
- I was ably seconded in this research by my son. 在这项研究中,我儿子帮了我很大忙。
- This research is only in its infancy. 这一研究尚处於起始阶段。
- This research merely duplicates work already done elsewhere. 这项研究仅仅是重复别人已经做过的工作。
- The question is whether he should have a low opinion of this research work. 问题在于他是否应该对这项科研工作评价很低。
- The results of this research can be applied to new developments in technology. 这项研究成果能应用于新的技术开发方面。
- This research is based on anecdote not fact. 这项研究的根据是传闻而非事实。
- I was only seconded in this research by my son. 在这项研究中,我儿子帮了我的大忙。
- What is the progress on this research? 取得了哪些进展?
- What is the significance of this research project? 作这个研究的目的意义何在?
- I am ably seconded in this research by my son. 在这项研究中,我儿子帮了我很大忙
- I don't understand the method behind this research. 我不明白进行这项研究的方法论是什么?
- I attach great importance to this research. 我认为这项研究十分重要。
- You'll play the leading role in this research team. 这个课题组由你来唱主角。
- Chapter 5 then gives a summery of this research. 第五章结论则将本文所叙述的内容做一总括性的整理。
- The problem involved in this research is very complicated. 这项研究所涉及的问题很复杂。
- You will not get into this research station without a permit. 没有通行证你不能进入这座研究站。
- A paper relevant to this research was published by him. 与本研究相关的一篇论文是他发表的。
- Exciting as this research will be, also has its problems. 这项研究虽然是令人振奋的,但也存在着问题。
- Obviously there is room for improvement in this research work. 这份研究显然还有可作改良的地方。