- His sister is a thorn in his flesh. 他的妹妹使他伤透脑筋。
- He was a thorn in the police's flesh. 他是警方的眼中钉。
- He was a thorn in the police's side. 他是警方的眼中钉。
- He mingled in the crowd and lost in sight. 他混入人群,看不见了。
- Keep it up! Final victory is in sight. 坚持下去!最后胜利已经在望了。
- Follow that man and keep him in sight all the time. 要跟著那个人,一直盯著他。
- He's been a thorn in my side ever since he joined this department. 他自从到了这个部门就总让我不得安生。
- The land came in sight after we had sailed for ten days. 我们在海上航行了十天,终于看见了陆地。
- Camel dung!$ You are indeed a thorn in my side. 骆驼屎!你实在是我们这边的一个倒刺。
- And she was always going to be a thorn in the sight of Octavian. 在屋大维的眼里,她一直是眼中钉,肉中刺。
- He was a thorn in the police rs flesh. 他是警方的眼中钉。
- It was to be a thorn in the side of the Dutch. 它将是荷兰人的苦恼。
- We came in sight of a narrow bridge. 我们走着走着,看见一座窄窄的小桥。
- That problem is a thorn in their flesh. 例2那个问题是他们的肉中刺。
- Peace was in sight at last after many years of war. 经过多年的战争,和平终于在望了。
- What is the reason,the thorn in your eye? 什么使我成为你眼中的刺?
- The travelling carriage rolled in sight. 旅行马车辘辘驶进了视野。
- What is the reason, the thorn in your eye? 究竟为什么,你的眼中布满荆棘?
- There isn't any bus stops in sight. 我看不见公车站。
- The biggest thorn in the Prime Minister's side is inflation. 最使首相苦恼的问题是通货膨胀。