- It is obviously crucial for the physician to be thoroughly familiar with the pharmacological properties of drug before it is administered. 医师用药前全面地熟悉药物的药理作用显然是非常重要的。
- Personnel must be thoroughly familiar with properties and safety considerations before being allowed to handle argon and/or its associated equipment. 在被允许使用氧和它的附件之前,操作者必须对它们的性质和安全问题十分熟悉。
- It is very important that a person serving aboard an oil tanker should be thoroughly familiar with the pipeline system of his ship. 对于一个油船船员来说,最重要的是他必须对其所在的船上的管系相当熟悉。
- Non-Party people have become thoroughly familiar with the Common Programme, so they can quote copiously from it and present valid arguments when discussing work and policies. 党外人士把共同纲领背得烂熟,在讨论工作和政策时,能够引经据典,充分说理。
- Personnel must be thoroughly familiar with properties and safety considerations before being allowed to handle oxygen and its associated equipment. 在被允许使用氧和它的附件之前,操作人员必须对它们的性质和安全问题十分熟悉。
- Personnel must be thoroughly familiar with the properties and safety precautions before being allowed to handle hydrogen and/or associated equipment. 在被允许操作氢和/或附属设备之前,工作人员必须对氢的性质和安全防范非常熟悉。
- Non-Party people have become thoroughly familiar with the Common Programme,so they can quote copiously from it and present valid arguments when discussing work and policies. 党外人士把共同纲领背得烂熟,在讨论工作和政策时,能够引经据典,充分说理。
- Since I am not thoroughly familiar with the situation,and particularly with local conditions,I ask you to decide whether what I say is entirely correct or not. 我了解的情况不多,尤其对于地方的情况了解更少,讲得是否完全恰当,请同志们考虑。
- Since I am not thoroughly familiar with the situation, and particularly with local conditions, I ask you to decide whether what I say is entirely correct or not. 我了解的情况不多,尤其对于地方的情况了解更少,讲得是否完全恰当,请同志们考虑。
- It took me two weeks (full-time) to learn how to use the tool (despite the fact that I was thoroughly familiar with the TM concept and had used DejaVu and Wordfast). 我们认真对待每一次的翻译,严格执行相关国家标准和公司内部质量管理规范,赢得了众多客户的好评和良好的市场信誉。
- But in order to do this, he must have been thoroughly familiar with the enormous madrepore of the sewer in all its ramifications and in all its openings. 但是,要这样走,就必须彻底清楚这个巨大珊瑚形阴渠的所有分岔和直管。
- Negative assumptions drive negative experiences. Negative assumptions can become so thoroughly familiar and ingrained in your thinking that you don't even realize they're there. 消极的设想会导致消极的结果。消极的设想在你的意识中可以变得如此熟悉而又根深蒂固,致使你完全察觉不到它们的存在。
- These approaches to managing pointers occur so frequently that programmers who use classes with pointer members must be thoroughly familiar with these programming techniques. 管理指针的这些方法用得非常频繁,因此使用带指针成员类的程序员必须充分熟悉这些编程技术。
- Personnel must be thoroughly familiar with properties and safety considerations before being allowed to handle liquid helium and/or its associated equipment. 在被允许使用液氦和/或它的相关设备之前;操作人员必须对它们的性质和安全问题十分熟悉.
- Instructs new or reassigned Team Members in the safe execution of their respective duties. Thoroughly familiar with accident investigations, accident prevention, housekeeping programs and hazardous material procedures. 指导新的或更换的工作组成员安全地开展各自职责。熟知事故调查,事故预防,日常清洁和危险物品处置程序。
- Shenghu possesses an experienced team of professionals and senior advisers with expertise in investment, management, law, finance and engineering who are thoroughly familiar with the domestic (espescially Zhujiang Delta) markets. 盛湖拥有一批来自投资、管理、法律、财务、工程等多领域的德才兼备专业人才及资深顾问,对国内特别是珠江三角洲市场具有充分而独特的认知及丰富的实践经验。
- What's important is that you thoroughly familiarize yourself with the main strategies behind each answer. 因此,最重要的是你彻底熟悉这些答案后面的,你自己的主要的策略。
- To be thoroughly familiar with all books 淹贯群书
- I am thoroughly conversant with all the rules. 我对所有的规则了如指掌。
- The old man sat on the park bench look familiar. 坐在公园长椅上的那个老人看上去很面熟。