- Each place is glaring leave the impress that has time, the ability after thoroughly tempered has predestined relationship and you to encounter. 每一处闪耀都留有时光的印记,千锤百炼后才有缘与你相遇。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要发脾气。
- I am thoroughly conversant with all the rules. 我对所有的规则了如指掌。
- The doctor was very thorough in his examination of the sick child. 医生对生病的孩子进行了仔细的检查。
- His hasty temper made him offensive. 他急躁的脾气使他令人讨厌。
- He is surprised to find his room thoroughly clean. 他惊讶得发现他的房间给彻底地打扫了。
- I gave the car a thorough going-over. 我把汽车彻底检修了一遍。
- Don't mess with her: she's got a violent temper. 别干预她的事,她脾气很暴。
- He has been trying hard to hold onto his temper. 他一直尽力控制自己不发脾气。
- The staff officers mapped out the area thoroughly. 参谋人员在地图上把这个地区精确地标了出来。
- He slammed the door in a temper. 他生气地摔门。
- The film was thoroughly miscast. 这部电影的角色分配完全失当。
- That outburst was illustrative of her bad temper. 这一通发作足以说明她脾气坏。
- I never saw a character so thoroughly hit off. 我从未看见过一个人物被描写得如此淋漓尽致。
- He flew into a temper when he heard the news. 听到这消息他勃然大怒。
- The surface must be thoroughly clean. 表面必须彻底弄清洁。
- He is unbearable when he's in a bad temper. 他发脾气时让人无法忍受。
- Jane's worst fault is her quick temper. 珍最大的毛病是她的急性子。
- He is rather slow but very thorough. 他动作虽慢但非常细心。
- We have to put up with her bad temper. 我们只得忍受她的坏脾气。