- Even those on the outside know about it. 这事儿外头全知道了。
- The upstairs rooms are much warmer than those on the ground floor. 楼上的房间要比底层的暖和得多。
- As the fighting raged, hotel guests who had barricaded themselves inside rooms attempted to contact those on the outside. 随着枪战的持续,在设有障碍物的房间里躲藏起来的酒店客人们在尝试与外界联系。
- White on the outside, black as tar on the inside. 外表皮肤是白,可骨子里却沥青般的黑。
- Her beauty lies within as well as on the outside. 她的美丽不仅流溢于外表,也表现在内心。
- His heels always wear down on the outside first. 他的鞋跟总是先从外侧磨损。
- The train is running on the outside track. 列车正在外轨上运行。
- We're gonna set you up on the outside porch. 我们会为你收拾好外面的门廊。
- The door was locked on the outside. 那扇门从外面锁上了。
- But the brackets are on the outside, not inside. 但是这些铁扣环全部都在门的外侧,而不是内侧。
- I suppose there is a sign on the outside. 我想外面有牌子吧。
- Next, I put those on eyeing the grass on the sand. 接下来,我把目光投到沙堆上的那些小草上。
- They would have been unemployable on the outside. 要是在外面他们肯定会被解雇。”
- The oranges in the box are better than those on the shelf. 箱子的橙子比橱上的那些好。
- The goods are to be packed in tin-lined cases, and the contents of each case clearly marked on the outside. 一切货物均须用内衬马口铁或锡纸的木箱包装,且外壳必须清楚地标明其内所装物品。
- Our correspondent interviewed all those on the scene. 本报记者访问了所有在场的人。
- Those on the VIP platform tumbled from their chairs to the floor. 贵宾看台上,人们从座椅上跳起,趴在地上。
- You will have time to other places than those on the itinerary. 你将有时间参观计划行程之外的一些地方。
- Priority in seating will be given to those on the waitlist. 座位优先权会给那些在候补名单上的学生。
- Located on the outside; external. 在外的位于外面的;外部的