- I know why it is also called. The Thousand buddha Crottos. 我明白它为什么又叫千佛洞了。
- I had heard of the Thousand Buddha Caves long before I came to Xinjiang. 在到新疆之前,我早已听说过千佛洞了。
- The Kizit Thousand Buddha grottoes in Baicheng county are next only to the famous Mogao grottoes in scale. 新疆拜城县克孜尔千佛洞是规模仅决于著名莫高窟的石窟。
- You will have an opportunity to sightsee the Flaming Mountains and Baizeklik Thousand Buddha Caves. 游览新疆最大的佛教文化遗址-千佛洞,那里保存著无数精美的壁画及塑像。
- The Thousand Buddhas Hall in Shaolin Temple. 少林寺千佛殿。
- In the Thousand Buddha Mountain Park Plaza, the entrance stands a stone arch, arch inscribed "Maitreya resort" four gilded characters.St. 在千佛山公园广场的入口处,矗立着一座石雕的牌坊,牌坊上面刻着“弥勒胜地”四个镀金大字。
- Green and luxuriant trees, the mountains, everywhere a green ocean, colorful wildflowers on the hillside, contests, and the Thousand Buddha Mountain Public extremely Yuan dress was beautiful! 山上的树木郁郁葱葱,到处都是一片绿色的海洋,山坡上的野花五颜六色,争奇斗艳,把千佛山公圆装扮得美丽极了!
- This is where the Ten Thousand Buddhas Tower (WanFoLou) once stood.It was stripped of all the goldfoil Buddha statues when the eight imperialist powers invaded Beijing in 1900. 这个地方原来是万佛楼,里面有上万个金佛都在1900年被攻进进北京的八国联军掠夺走了。
- The despairing man jumped off the crag. 那个绝望的人跳下了悬崖。
- From 581 to 600 A.C., Buddhism was in trend and thousands of stone Buddhist sculptures were engraved on the mountain.From then on, it took the name of Qianfo Mountain (Thousand Buddha Mountain). 公元前581年至公元前600年,佛教在中国盛行,成千上万的佛教雕像刻在山上,从那时起,就得名千佛山。
- The Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang Grottoes is the nation's artistic treasures, called the "Thousand Buddhas. 敦煌莫高窟是我国三大石窟艺术宝库之一,又名"千佛洞"。
- Also called Caves of a Thousand Buddhas, the Mogao Grottoes lie in the steep cliffs of Mingsha Mountain of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province. 敦煌莫高窟位于甘肃省敦煌市鸣沙山东麓断崖上,又称千佛洞。
- Structure acceleration time analysis of ten thousand buddha tower 万佛塔结构加速度时程分析
- A representation or likeness of Buddha. 佛像佛的象征或替代物
- The body of teachings expounded by the Buddha. 佛法佛祖用来说明佛经的正文
- The Thousand Buddhas on the four walls are already finished, the fresh colours and the gold leaves inlaid on the walls making it especially magnificent in splendour. 四壁上的千佛已经画好,鲜艳的壁画和壁画的上金箔使得画面显得异常华丽。
- They surmount one crag after another. 他们登上一块又一块的峭壁。
- My new car cost me a cool thousand pounds. 我的新车整整花了我1000镑。
- The little boy can count up to a thousand. 这个小男孩能够数到一千。
- The audience was no less than five thousand. 听众有五千人之多。