- A maze of narrow alleys leads down to the sea. 迂回曲折的小径通往海边.
- I followed him through a maze of narrow alleys. 我紧随他穿过一条条迂迴曲折的窄巷。
- A number narrow alleys branched off from the main road. 主路上分出许多窄的小道。
- Davies' house is down a long narrow alley. 戴维斯的家在一条狭长的胡同里。
- Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys hutong. 如果你想去老北京的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车绝对是值得一坐的。
- Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys (hutong) of old Beijing. 如果想去老北京的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车绝对是值得一坐的。
- Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys (hutong) of old Beijing. 如果你想去老北京的胡同探秘,三轮脚踏车绝对是值得一坐的。
- Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing. 如果你想畅游北京古老的胡同的话,三轮车值是很值得一坐的。
- The grey brick and mortar walls, so distinctly Chinese and so beautiful, are being demolished; the old neighborhoods they encircle and the narrow alleys they delimit torn down. 非常美丽、式的灰砖白粉墙,正在被拆除;被划在界定线以内的旧城区要被推倒。
- State media and officials gave no breakdown of the death toll, saying only that 57 of the dead were found murdered down narrow alleys. 国营媒体和官员们没有给出死亡者的名单,他们说只有57具尸体是在窄巷里面发现遇害的。
- In this little labyrinth of narrow alleys I don't want any entry hall or elevator but little city houses with their little gardens. 在这一点迷宫小巷,我不想任何入口大厅或电梯的房屋,但小城市的小花园。
- From the East Gate, along the north wall of the Western Wall and the narrow alleys around, bare-stone walls, mottled walls, emitting a kind of ancient quiet atmosphere. 从东门出发,沿着北墙和西墙窄窄的小巷走去,裸露的石头墙基、斑驳的墙面,散发出一种幽古的气息。
- Davies'house is down a long narrow alley. 戴维斯的家在一条狭长的胡同里。
- Davies' house is down a long narrow alley . 戴维斯的家在一条狭长的胡同里。
- Photo taken in Fall 2006. Lu Kang Narrow Alley. 2006年秋天台湾鹿港摸乳巷.
- Dining at many of these places requires a trip into the hutongs, the rabbit warrens of narrow alleys where -- at least before many were bulldozed -- Beijingers did much of their local business. 很多美食餐馆都在胡同里面,那是羊肠小道一般的狭窄巷子--现在很多都已经被拆掉--北京人以前在那里做各种生意。
- Wandering around the narrow alleys and lanes that comprise the old city in Changning district, the atmosphere is tranquil and timeless with modern, bustling Shanghai nearly forgotten. 走在长宁那些狭仄的小巷小弄里,气氛是安详的,让人忘却时间,仿佛是繁华喧嚣的上海中,一个被人遗忘的角落。
- After a stop for refreshment in Shichahai, head east on Guloudajie Road into one of Beijing's few remaining hutong neighborhoods, with narrow alleys and single story traditional courtyard houses. 经过心旷神怡的什刹海,直奔东面的鼓楼大街进入北京城现存不多的胡同古建筑群。胡同有着狭小的巷子以及传统的单层四合院。
- Today's giant refrigerated lorries have difficulty squeezing in.Meanwhile, the three-wheeled motorised carts used to move boxes of fish about the narrow alleys are forever bumping into each other. 现如今,巨型冰冻列车很难开进市场,而过去在狭窄通道上整箱整箱运输海鲜的三轮摩托车已经把这里塞得水泄不通。
- The narrow alley next to the church packed with souvenir stalls. 教堂旁边有很多卖旅游纪念品的小摊。