- The lull in the wind threatens storm, and the lowering clouds in the west bode no good. 风声宣布着风暴的威胁,西方低垂的云影预报着恶兆。
- The lull in the wind threatens storm, and the lowering clouds in the west bode no good. 风声宣布着风暴的威胁,西方低垂的云影预报着恶兆。
- Little Fluffy Clouds creates a wide range of cloud shapes and cloud-like effects, from slight wisps to threatening storm fronts. 小绒毛的云 建立大范围云形状和象云一样的效应,从轻微的小绺到预示风暴前峰。
- Behind the dust raised by his soldiers?feet, had he the eyes to see, the generalissimo might have discerned the faint signs of a threatening storm. 在他的兵马扬起的尘土后面,如果蒋介石有眼光的话,理应看出一场风暴即将来临的隐隐约约的迹象。
- The storm was succeeded by calm. 暴风雨之后是一片沉静。
- The lowering clouds threaten rain. 这阴霾的云层预示即将下雨。
- My intention was, if Caderousse was alone, to acquaint him with my presence, finish the meal the custom-house officers had interrupted, and profit by the threatened storm to return to the Rhone, and ascertain the state of our vessel and its crew. 我的意思是,假如里面只有卡德鲁斯一个人,我就告诉他我来了,在他家继续吃完那一顿刚才被海关关员打断了的晚餐,趁着那快要到来的暴风雨回到罗纳河去打听一下我们的船和船员的情形。
- The storm heaved the sea into mountainous waves. 风暴在海面上掀起万丈波涛。
- Dark clouds threaten a heavy storm. 乌云预示着有一场风暴。
- The sailboat keeled over in the storm. 帆船在风暴中倾覆了。
- The black clouds threaten a storm. 乌云预示暴风雨的来临。
- The fishermen were forewarned of the oncoming of the storm. 渔民预先得到了暴风雨来临的警告。
- The air held a foretaste of a storm. 天气有要括大风的迹象。
- It's the latest storm to threaten the southeast. 这是一股最新的威胁东南部的风暴。
- The storm cast the little rowboat on the rocks. 风暴把这条小划艇抛到岩石上。
- The mast went by the board in the storm. 那船桅在暴风雨中落于船外。
- A terrible storm forced the ship to put back. 可怕的风暴迫使这条船返航了。
- The storm did a great deal of material damage. 暴风雨造成了大量物质损失。
- Don't try to threaten me. I won't compromise with you. 不要威胁我,我不会和你妥协的。
- The skipper knows where every storm is. 船长知道每一个风暴在什么地方。