- Duguid also termed the latest North Korean comments unwelcome and unnecessary, and noted that threatening language has been coming from Pyongyang for several weeks. 而这种威胁还包括北韩打算发射一枚远程弹道导弹或卫星载具。美国认为这将违反联合国安理会在北韩2006年核武器试验后通过的一项决议案。
- Condoleezza Rice, the American secretary of state, who went to Poland to sign the deal this week, retorted that such threatening language “isn't tolerable”. 在美国国务卿赖斯看来,这种攻击性的言论是不可忍受的。
- Emotional appealing ads focus on the feelings of human being, which master the people's psychology to get better persuasion effects with soulful, elegant, humorous even threatening language. 摘要感性诉求广告主要以情取胜,深入了解受众的心理,采用温情的,幽默的,优美的,甚至威胁的语言来达到更好的劝说效果。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- The lowering clouds threaten rain. 这阴霾的云层预示即将下雨。
- He refused to be awed by the threatening letters. 他不为那些恐吓信所吓倒。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。
- The terrorists are threatening to blow up the hijacked airliner. 恐怖分子扬言要炸毁劫持的客机。
- Our language goes current along the seacoast. 我们的语言通用于沿海一带。
- I am no match for her when it comes to language. 在语言能力方面我根本不是她的对手。
- She has a good grasp of the English language. 她精通英语。
- Don't try to threaten me. I won't compromise with you. 不要威胁我,我不会和你妥协的。
- The English language is not allied to the Chinese. 英语与汉语不属于同一语系。
- My landlord's threatening to put the rent up by 10 a week. 我的房东要挟说要把每周租金提高10英镑。
- Language is often spoken of as a living organism. 语言常被当作一种活的有机体来讲。
- He set at his adversary in strong language. 他以强硬的语言抨击他的敌手。
- Music has been called the universal language. 人们称音乐为世界的语言。
- They are threatening to impose a blockade on the country. 他们威胁说要对该国实行封锁。