- three data modeling 三数据建模
- Class is based on the XPath data model. 类基于XPath数据模型。
- A data model is a plan for building a database. 一个资料模型就是对建立一个资料库的规划。
- And this data model is described in XML DTD. 本文用统一建模语言描述了整个数据模型,给出了数据模型中几种重要类的文档类型定义。
- Its data model is the basis of DW of an ISC. 三是集成供应链节点企业数据库,并形成为集成供应链信息平台数据仓库提供基础数据的企业数据模型。
- Creates a new property for the built-in data model. 为内部数据模型创建一个新的属性.
- In this introductory article, I will discuss the basics of data modeling and introduce the techniques that I will cover in the next three articles. 在这篇介绍性的文章,我将讨论数据建模的基本原理,并介绍在后面三篇文章中将用到的技术。
- In data modeling and analysis, finite mixture is widely used. 摘要在数据建模和分析中,有限混合体模型被广泛地使用着。
- The model includes three data matrices labeled as "the past", "the present", and "the future" to reformulate the convolutive mixing model into a static model via oblique projections. 为实现卷积混合信号的盲分离,提出了一种基于斜投影的子空间方法,首先设计"过去"、"现在"和"未来"的观测数据空间,并通过斜投影将卷积混合转化成为线性瞬时混合;然后采用静态分离算法重构源信号。
- The Order could be the root of another hierarchy in the data model. 订单可能是数据模型中的其他层次的根。
- The Catabase data model structure is shown in Figure 4. 如图4所示是该Catabase数据模型的结构。
- This SQL script will create the data model used in our example. 这个SQL脚本可以创建我们示例中使用的数据模型。
- The database is composed of three data volumes about basic knowledge for images, cranial sectional anatomy and neuropathic images. 神经影像数据库由影像基本知识数据集、脑断层影像解剖数据集和神经疾病影像数据集三大部分组成。
- Integration takes place in the user interface and the data model. 集成发生在用户界面和数据模型中。
- The experiments for clustering three data sets with different distributions show that the HCA has better generalization and effectiveness. 三组不同分布类型的数据聚类实验表明,该算法具有较好的通用性和有效性。
- This logical data model is called a data source view. 此逻辑数据模型称为数据源视图。
- You ll notice that the data model is very close to our class model. 您会注意到,数据模型与我们的类模型非常接近。
- Full exposure of a hierarchical data model is automatic. 层次数据模型的全部展现是自动的。
- In order to perform the arithmetic, software programs will demand a minimum of three data points representing times to failure (three uncensored data points). 为了履行算术,软件程序将需要至少三年的数据点代表次失败( 3未经审查的数据点) 。
- The serializer converts the data model into RDF/XML format. 该串行器转换数据模型为RDF/XML格式。