- three hordes of forces 三股势力
- Hordes of children were running round the building. 几群孩子在房子周围奔跑。
- There were hordes of people at the jumble sale. 废旧货物拍卖市场上人山人海。
- Hordes of fans had thronged on the concert hall. 大群的歌迷一窝蜂地涌向音乐厅。
- Dispersion of forces led up to the defeat. 分散兵力是导致失败的原因。
- We have to draw off because of losses of forces. 伤亡太大,我们不得不撤退。
- Hordes of locusts the crops in tracts rice field. 成群成群的蝗虫毁灭了大片大片的稻田庄稼。
- First look at the hordes of it dating timetable. 先看看密密麻麻的约会时间表吧。
- Hordes of children are running around the spring. 大群大群的孩子绕着喷泉奔跑。
- Hordes of bees gather in the rose bush. 一群群的蜜蜂在玫瑰丛中聚集。
- Save the world from the hordes of the underworld! 从来至地狱的游牧部落手中拯救世界!
- Dispersion of forces almost always led to defeat. 分散兵力几乎经常造成失败。
- The corridor were jammed with hordes of school - children . 走廊上挤满了一群群的小学生。
- Hordes of hostile neighbors were gathering outside his window. 成群不友善的邻居聚集在他的窗外。
- All kinds of forces are brought into play when a nation's vital interests are threatened. 当一个国家的切身利益受到威胁时,它就会动用一切力量。
- The corridors were jammed with hordes of school-children. 走廊上挤满了一群群的小学生。
- Hordes of Mongols and Turks invaded Europe in the Middle Ages. 蒙古和土耳其的蛮族在中古世纪时入侵欧洲。
- The equilibrium of force must be established in Europe. 必须确立欧洲的均势。
- All kinds of forces come into play when a nation's vital interests are threatened. 当一个国家的生死攸关的利益受到威胁时,各种力量都开始发挥作用。
- A horde of children ran over the office building. 一大群孩子在办公大楼里到处奔跑。