- The salesman measured off three meters of the wood. 店员量出了3米长的木料。
- It measured about three meters high. 它大约有3米高。
- It can grow two to three meters a year. 一年就能长两三米呢。
- It measured about three meters high . 它大约有3米高。
- These cars are put at intervals of three meters. 这些车每隔三米放一辆。
- This side of the lake is three meters deep. 这边的湖水有3米深。
- There is a space of three meters between two rows of saplings. 每两行树苗间隔3米。
- Goliath was a fearless warrior over three meters tall. 身高超过三公尺的歌利亚,是一位天不怕地不怕的勇士。
- It is not possible for a man to be three meters tall. 一个人不可能有3米高。
- At times, Lindbergh flew just three meters above the water. 有好几次,林德伯格在仅距海面三米的上空飞行。
- The goliath frog is able to jump three meters or so. 巨人青蛙会跳三米远左右。
- The male narwhal's extraordinary1 tusk, up to three meters long, inspired2 legends3 of unicorns long ago. 公角鲸奇特的长牙(长达三米)在古时曾引发关于独角兽的传说。
- The octagonal viewing cubicle holds three persons and can be lowered to a depth of three meters. 八角形的小观察室能容纳三个人,并且可以下降到三米的深度。
- The beds are three meters wide by two meters long, and can fit at least four at one time. 床的面积为宽三米,长两米,至少可以同时容纳四个人。
- At more than ten feet (three meters) long, Protostega were among the largest turtles to ever live. 原盖龟的身长超过十米,是历史上出现过的最大的海龟之一。
- Which is puny compared with some Australian earthworms that can be three meters long. 但是跟澳洲某些可长达三公尺的蚯蚓比起来,仍小得多。
- The pool in Beijing is three meters deep, compared with two meters for many racing pools. 北京水立方的泳池是三米深,相形之下,很多竞赛用泳池只有两米深。
- Tree after tree went down, cut down by the water, which must have been three meters deep. 一棵又一棵的树被水冲倒,冲断,那水肯定有三米深。
- Throw-off: A throw from the centre line to a team-mate at least three meters away and behind the line, used to restart play. 开球:从中线后至少3米处将球掷给本队队员,用于重新开始比赛。