- Townlet plays a main role in solving three agricultural problems. 摘要小城镇担负解决“三农”问题的主要角色。
- As long as”three agricultures problem” has no a solution, the big ensign of rural enterprise must be high exposed. 只要中国的“三农”问题没有解决,就必须高举发展乡镇企业这杆大旗;
- In order to resolve the three agricultural problems effectively, it is necessary to go with agricultural logistics of healthiness. 农业物流的健康良性发展,能够有效促进“三农”问题的解决。
- the three agricultural problems in modern China 三农问题
- System Innovation and Solution to "Three Agricultural Problems" 制度创新与"三农"问题的解决
- three agricultural problem 三农问题
- The Contradictions Confronted by Contemporary Chinese "Three Agricultural Problems" and an Analysis of its Deep-rooted Causes 当代中国"三农"问题面临的矛盾及深层原因剖析
- Three agriculture problem “三农”问题
- This article explores how the agricultural higher vocational education improve rural economy and serve "three agriculture" problem. 就农业高等职业教育如何促进农村经济发展,服务“三农”问题进行探讨。
- Three Agricultural Problems 三农问题
- From the 1920s through the 1980s, America's agricultural problem was overabundance . 从20年代到80年代,美国的农业问题是生产过剩。
- the three agriculture problem 三农问题
- " Three Agricultural Problems" “三农”问题
- The more he had studied the agricultural problem, the more he regarded it with a mixture of distrust and incipient despair. 他越研究农业问题,就越产生一种疑虑和近乎绝望交织在一起的感觉。
- "Three Agricultural Problems" “三农”问题
- the three agricultural problems 三农问题
- Three agricultural subsidies, health, education, social security and so on rigid the disbursements large scale are increasing. 三农补贴、卫生、教育、社会保障等硬性支出都在大幅度增加。
- The "three agricultural" problem “三农”问题
- Agricultural geology is an interdisciplinary subject about using geological theory to study agricultural problems, rising in the early 1980s. 摘要农业地质学是20世纪80年代初兴起的一门以地质学的理论研究农业有关问题的边缘学科。
- To serve "Three Agriculture"by Agriculture Products Trademark and Geographic Indications (con. 运用农产品商标和地理标志服务"三农"的理论和实践(下)