- Enclosed please find three order for immediate attention. 随信附上订单三张,请立即安排。
- At last in this chapter, the influence of third order dispersion (TOD) on DMS transmission are studied. 最后,研究了三阶色散(TOD)对DMS传输的影响,采用数值计算方法,详细研究了不同DMS系统参数条件下,TOD影响的效果。
- Taken into account both second order dispersion and SPM in the abnormal-dispersion region of single-mode fibers, we obtained the expression of chirp induced by GVD and SPM. 应用付里叶变换法,求解了非线性薛定谔方程,得出了单模光纤在正、反常色散区域中二阶群速度色散(GVD)效应所致啁啾的解析表达式。
- The result shows that there is repulsive forces between two incoherent dark solitons,and the high order dispersion effect decreases the strength of the mutual interaction. 结果表明:在两个非相干暗孤子之间存在排斥力,并且高阶色散效应减弱了非相干暗孤子之间的相互作用。
- Enclosed please find three orders for immediate attention. 随信附上订单三张,请立即安排。
- The finite volume approach in space, the three order Runge Kutta method in time and a "law of the wall" for the solid wall condition were used. 数值离散时,将时间与空间分开进行处理,空间上的离散采用有限体积法,而时间上的离散则用三阶龙格-库塔法,对固壁边界的处理使用了“壁函数”法。
- It is concluded that as second order dispersion compensation can avoid pulse broadening, third order dispersion compensation not only can avoid pulse broadening, but also eliminate pulse edge's oscillating and temporal shift of pulse peak. 结果表明 ,与二阶色散补偿能消除脉冲展宽一样 ,三阶色散补偿不仅能防止脉冲展宽 ,而且也能有效地消除脉冲边沿部的振荡结构和脉冲峰的时移。
- These three orders stand on an equal footing in the ascension career. 这些三个秩序竖起了立足于提升事业中一个平等。
- With the triad mathematical method characterized by three order matrix( two order tensor), the author has derived the equations for triad physical system and proposed a way for three-body problem and the model of triad cosmos. 采用以三阶方阵(阶张量)写三元相互作用为特征的三元数学方法,根据最小作用量原理导出了三元物理系统方程组,由此提出了解决三体问题的途径,并提出了三元宇宙模型。
- It was observed that the crystallinity of VDC AN copolymer with high VDC content is linear function of its AN mass content, while that with high AN level is function of three order of AN mass content from the DSC and X ray diffraction study. 由 DSC法和 X射线衍射法得到高 VDC含量的共聚物结晶度与 AN含量成线性关系 ,而在高 AN含量时则与 AN组成成三次多项式关系
- A Kind of Explict Difference Scheme Having Three Order foF Dispersion Equation 关于色散方程的一类三阶显格式
- In this paper,the flow fields inside isolator has been simulated using three order up-wind MUSCL sche-me,and K-turbulence model,so it is easy to catch the shock train in the isolator flow field. 隔离段是双模态超燃冲压发动机实现双模态和模态转换的一个重要部件,同时,它把进气道和燃烧室隔离开,以防止燃烧室高压干扰进气道,引起进气道不启动。
- I've been informed that our company has placed three orders with you which have not been filled. 据我所知,本公司向贵公司下了三个订单,但都还没有交货。
- How about one cream of fish soup, two cream of chicken soups, and three orders of shrimp? 来一份奶油鱼汤,两份奶油鸡汤,三份对虾怎麽样?
- This paper considers the finite difference method for a class of generalized fourth order dispersive and dissipative wave equation. 摘要研究了一类四阶非线性耗散、色散波动方程初边值问题的有限差分解法。
- A cyclic triple (x, y, z) on X is a set of three ordered pairs (x, y), (y, z) and (z, x) of X. 设X是一个有限集。 X上的一个循环三元组(x,y,z)是指由X中的三个有序对(x,y),(y,z)和(z,x)构成的集合。
- The inflorescence of F. bidentis was composed of the main axis with three orders branches in a decussate arrangement. 黄顶菊的花序由主轴及一至三级分枝组成, 各级分枝交互对生,形成方式相同。
- Three orders decreasing of the leakage-current value has indicated strong ability of cavity gettering. 且单、双面抛光片的人值的最大降低幅度都达三个数量级,证明了氦微孔强大的吸杂能力。
- Five species belonging to five families and three orders were collect in Bobso NR. 包座自然保护区有两栖爬行动物5种,隶5科3目。
- I will answer your three questions in order. 我将一个个回答你这三个问题。