- Note 1 Single display the three phase total active power. 注1:单屏显示三相总有功功率。
- Three phase wiring saves 50% of power compared with one-phase. 三相电源比单相电源可省电逾50%25之多。
- Is the stator three phase line voltage the same? And is it current zero? 定子三相电压是否相等?其电流是否为零?
- This control method was applied to a three phase AC/DC/AC conversion system. 该控制思想在三相AC/DC/AC系统中进行了实验验证。
- The main circuit topology of three phase DVR is analyzed,the design method of the parameters of the main circuit is presented and different ways of transformer winding connection are compared. 针对以往研究的三相动态电压恢复器,提出基于三相电压型逆变电路的动态电压恢复器,并分析其主电路拓扑,提出主电路几项参数的设计方法,同时对比不同变压器接法对参数和电路性能的影响。
- The phase design of intersection signal control is the first problem to solve in intersection automation design,directly affecting the control project. 相位设计是信号控制交叉口进行配时设计时需要首先解决的问题,直接决定着控制方案的效果。
- Minsky divided the process into three phases. 明斯基将该过程划分为三阶段。
- At present, the phase design is mainly determined according to the experience or enumerated, and does not have an optimality design method. 当前使用的相位设计主要依赖经验判断或穷举确定,不能保证最优。
- A three phase symmetry AC winding is used as control winding of the inner stator, a car including ring-like PM rotor as correcting weight. 以三相对称交流绕组作为内定子控制绕组,包括环形磁钢永磁转子的小车作为校正质量。
- The Global Hawk portion of the ACTD was conducted in three phases: design; development and test; and deployment and evaluation. “全球鹰”的研制计划分为三部分:设计,研制与试验,部署和评估。
- Eventing is an equestrian sport consisting of three phases. 综合全能马术赛,包括三个阶段,第一,越野比赛。
- The method established by the experiments not only gives mechanism of dymamics scour cd pipelines on the sandy bottom but also provides reference basis for concept phase design of sub-ses pipelines. 由这项研究所建立的方法不仅给出了管道下砂基动态淘蚀的机理,而且可为海底管道的概念设计提供参考性依据。
- Will be conducted in three phases aquaculture breeding project. 公司将分三期进行养殖繁育工程建设。
- Steam, water and ice constitute the three phases of one substance. 水蒸汽、水和冰是同一物质的气体、液体、固体三个相态。
- The three phase immiscibility of Fanshan magma resulted in the formation of three phosphorus ore zones. 矾山岩浆的三相不混溶作用导致了矾山三个矿带的形成。
- The new philosophy for the implementation of multi-phase arrangements, and methods of phasing design are discussed. 摘要相位设计是信号设计的首要步骤,信号相位直接影响交通流运行的安全性和交叉口可提供的通行能力。
- The new model is obtained by transfor-ming the original phase axes model of three phase asynchron-ous machine. 新模型由原始的相轴线模型经过变换得到。
- In this design, we will present a kind of transducer based on the DSP, which uses SPWM control to realize the three phases AC voltage output. 在本文中提出一种基于数字信号处理器(DSP)的变频器,利用SPWM控制技术,实现变频器的三相交流电压输出。
- Note: The shell dimension of single phase product is identical to three phase product. 说明:单相产品和三相产品外壳尺寸相同。
- Compact, Robust, General purpose three phase four line filter with earth connections. 紧凑,功能完善,通用三相四线滤波器,带接地。