- The treaty will be the threshold of lasting peace. 这个条约将成为持久和平的开端。
- He was on the threshold of his career. 他的事业刚刚起步。
- The theatre has had to close for lack of support. 这家剧院光顾者寡只好关闭。
- He had never crossed the threshold of a bar before. 他过去从未进过酒吧的门。
- The enterprise collapsed through lack of support. 该企业因无力支持而倒闭。
- Scientists are now on the threshold of an important discovery. 科学家们很快就会有一项重大发现。
- The court is not legally justified in stopping at the threshold of the case. 一开始就使案件停止不前,法院这样做是完全不合法的。
- They are at the threshold of a new career. 他们正要开始干一番新的事业。
- Have you noticed the kind of support he has got lined up behind him? 他已经得到了一部分人的支持,这一点你注意到了吗?
- There must be a threshold of thermal noise. 必有一个热噪声的门限值。
- Owing to lack of support the scheme fizzled out. 由于没人支持,这一计划终成泡影。
- He is on the threshold of success. 他即将成功。
- We may lose a lot of support, but that's a chance we'll have to take. 我们或许会失去很多支持,但这个风险我们必须冒一冒。
- He was at the threshold of his career. 他的事业才开始。
- The center of support should be made adjustable. 支承中心应做成可调的。
- There is a hamlet on the threshold of a cajon. 狭谷口有个小村庄。
- Opinion polls have detected a ground swell of support for the Socialists. 民意测验表明拥护社会党的情绪高涨。
- He has never crossed the threshold of a bar before. 他过去从未进过酒吧的门。
- The plan foundered for lack of support. 计划因缺少支持而失败。
- You are just on the threshold of life. 你不过刚踏上人生的道路。