- A novel CMOS ternary D type edge triggered flip flop using a single latch is presented. 提出了一种只使用单个锁存器的CMOS三值D型边沿触发器设计 .
- Furthermore,the proposed construction can be easily extended to the design of multiple valued edge triggered flip flop with a higher radix. 此外 ,该设计结构极易推广至基值更高的多值边沿触发器的设计
- edge triggered flip flop 边缘触发触发器
- level triggered flip flop 电平触发的双稳电路
- edge trigger flip flop 边缘触发触发器
- trigger flip flop 启动型双稳态触发器,计数触发器
- A register consisting of a flip flop which stores binary data. 一种由保存二进制数据的触发器所组成的寄存器。
- The control of a specific flip flop which stores the algebraic sign of numbers. 对存储数字的代数符号的特殊触发器的控制。
- The door flip flopped in the strong wind. 门被大风吹得砰砰直响。
- I tried to control my stomach flip flops. 我尽量控制着砰砰的心跳。
- Based on SEU,SET mitigation techniques,an improved D flip flop which can be used for SEE mitigation was proposed. 在对抗单粒子效应技术研究的基础上,构造了一种改进型的抗单粒子翻转和单粒子瞬变的主从型边沿D触发器。
- A 4 value TTL gate circuit is used to design 4 value RS flip flop , D flip flop and JK flip flop. 采用自己研究出来的四值TTL门电路 ;设计出了四值RS触发器、D触发器和JK触发器 .
- No short,sandals &flip flop for all gentlmen.No flip flop or sleepers for ladies. 男士短裤,拖鞋,凉鞋和女士拖鞋均恕不接待(苏西黄俱乐部保留权利拒绝进场)
- Law and lawlessness are opposing polarities, and there is a point in which they cross and much like a teeter-totter, can flip flop from one extreme to the other. 律法与无律法是对立的两极,其中有一个重点是,它们彼此交叉就象跷跷板一样,可以从一个极端来到另一个极端。
- A new testability structure is proposed to design a partial reset flip flop, which makes the method economical in pin, delay, and area overheads. 该文提出了一种新的可测试性结构来设计部分复位触发器 ,该方法同时减小了在管脚、延时和面积的开销
- Surfs up! It抯 that time of year again. This Diesel 55 flip flop has a funky print and a comfortable fit! Upper 100% rubber, outsole & lining 100% EVA. Imported. 轻便男士鞋拖今年重新流行于世。大胆的图案、鲜明的颜色,穿上轻便舒适!鞋面100%25橡胶,鞋底及衬里均为100%25EVA鞋料。
- Surfs up! It抯 that time of year again. This Diesel 55 flip flop has a funky print and a comfortable fit! Upper 100% rubber, outsole &lining 100% EVA. Imported. 轻便男士鞋拖今年重新流行于世。大胆的图案、鲜明的颜色,穿上轻便舒适!鞋面100%25橡胶,鞋底及衬里均为100%25EVA鞋料。
- People dress attractively casual, with flip flops and jeans. 不是我对我们的国家经济悲观或者消极。
- Some gyms forbid hogging machines or wearing flip flops. 有些健身房禁止会员霸佔健身器材或穿夹脚拖鞋。
- Based on RS filp flop,the logical function of Timer 555 is discussed. When provided a voltage over 2 Ucc /3 to high flip plop terminal of Timer 555,a voltage no more Ucc /3 to terminal of it,Basic RS flip flop is set 1. 从基本RS触发器功能出发 ,对 5 5 5定时器的逻辑功能进行了讨论 ,认为 5 5 5集成定时器高电平触发端加小于 2Ucc/ 3的电平 ,低电平触发端加小于Ucc/ 3的电平时 ,触发器置“1”