- threw up our handsv. 认输(失败;绝望)
- threw up our hands in despairv. 绝望(认输)
- threw up our hands in horrorv. 惊慌失措(束手无策)
- throw up our handsvt. 认输(失败;绝望)
- throw up our hands in despairvi. 绝望(认输)
- throw up our hands in horrorvi. 惊慌失措(束手无策)
- We've made up our minds to come to our hands with the enemy. 我们已经决定跟敌人对拼了。
- Lifting up our hearts with our hands to God in the heavens. 我们当诚心向天上的神举手祷告。
- As kids, we would throw up our beat up sneakers and try to hang them on telephone poles or electrical wires. 作为孩子,我们会投掷我们打运动鞋和尝试垂悬他们在电话柱或电线。
- Contrasted with how we clean our hands, we rarely lather up our forearms. 并且虽然人们经常洗手,但很少像洗手那样给前臂打肥皂。
- thrown up our handsv. 认输(失败;绝望)
- thrown up our hands in despairv. 绝望(认输)
- She threw up her hands in horror at the idea. 她听到那个主意吓得把手都举了起来。
- thrown up our hands in horrorv. 惊慌失措(束手无策)
- My mother threw up her hands in horror. 我母亲惊恐绝望。
- Today we have four new friends. They come from England. Who are they? Let's warming up our hands for them. 今天我们有四位新朋友,他们来自英国。他们是谁呢?让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来!伴着掌声,这四名戴着面具的学生走上讲台。
- The strong smell made me throw up. 这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。
- Both Mate and I wore waist harnesses, which we clipped into slings on the pulpit rail, freeing up our hands for the shooting. 马特和我腰上都挂着安全带,与护栏上的绳钩连在一起,好腾出手来射击。
- The soldiers threw up an earthwork. 士兵们赶造起一座土垒。
- Pray that God will make Grace (S.C.C.) Church a house of prayer that every brother and sister will be united in one heart as we lift up our hands in prayers for missions. 求主让怀恩堂能成为万国祷告的殿,每位弟兄姐妹都有一颗合一的心,为着福音遍传世界,举起圣洁的手,随处祷告。