- A lot of job and stressful, and do not you once tell me you thrive on pressure? 许多工作都有压力。你不是说过你在压力下茁壮成长吗?
- I know that you will make good in your new job because you thrive on. 我相信你一定能胜任新职,因为你是一个能当重任的人。
- Sheep do not thrive on long pasture. 羊吃长草不能健壮。
- I think you and I thrive on work. 我觉得你和我都是因为工作而充满活力的。
- Challenge is something we Americans thrive on. 挑战是我们美国人之所以兴旺的奥妙。
- Summer is the time wars live, thrive on. 夏季是战争赖以生成、兴旺之时。
- The old couple thrive on travel. 老俩口越旅行越健康。
- BaBies thrive on their mother's milk. 婴儿靠吃母乳长得很健壮。
- Thrive on attention and let people touch you. 要引人瞩目,让别人碰你。
- Resilient people thrive on challenge and change. 适应性强的人能在挑战和变更中稳健地发展。
- Misers thrive on money and contempt. 金钱和鄙薄,才是守财奴的养料。
- Children thrive on fresh air and good food. 儿童的健康成长需要有新鲜的空气和富有营养的食物。
- Thrive on working in a challenging work place. 勇于挑战有难度的工作。
- Some species of bateria thrive on simple compoundssuch as achohol. 有些种类的细菌在简单化合物上生长,如酒精。
- Say something nice to Cathy. She thrives on compliments. 向凯茜说点好听的话吧。她喜欢别人恭维。
- Some marriages thrive on partners seeing very little of each other. 在有些家庭中,夫妇双方很少见面,但婚姻质量照样很好。
- I thrive on the excitement. They make me feel so alive. 首先,我喜欢动作片。我很喜欢刺激。动作片会让我精神亢奋。
- They thrive on explicit guidance toward clear objectives . 他们在上司的点拨下获得成功,业绩蒸蒸日上。
- These animals thrive on the leaves of certain trees. 这些动物靠吃某几种树的叶子茁壮生长。
- What does the computer industry thrive on apart from anarchy? 计算机产业是如何从无政府状态发展起来的?