- I think this gargle will relieve your sore throat. 我看这含漱剂可以治你的喉痛。
- I feel shivery and I have gotten a sore throat. 我觉得怕冷发抖,而且喉咙疼痛。
- I am afraid you must wash out this stain. 恐怕你必须洗掉这个污渍。
- I want something to soothe sore throat. 我要可以治喉痛的药。
- I had to wash and dress in a hurry. 我得匆匆洗个澡穿好衣服。
- I will be with you just as soon as I wash up. 等我洗洗脸,洗洗手,就来陪你。
- I have somehow get the bone lodge in my throat. 我不知怎么把骨头卡在喉咙里了。
- His dress is made of a wash and wear fabric. 他的衣服是用洗后不用烫的纤维衣料做的。
- I was off work because of a sore throat. 我因为喉咙痛没有去上班。
- Can you help me to wash clothes? 你能帮我洗衣服吗?
- We'll heat some water to wash clothes. 我们会热点儿水洗衣服。
- I've got a fish bone stuck in my throat. 有根鱼骨头卡在我的喉咙里。
- Go and wash that filth off your hand. 去把你手上的脏东西洗掉。
- She sang at the top of her throat. 她放开嗓门大声歌唱。
- Wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene. 要经常洗澡以保证个人卫生。
- He couldn't swallow because of a sore throat. 他因嗓子疼而不能吞咽。
- Those grease stains won't wash off. 这些油迹洗不掉。
- He sang with a frog in his throat. 他用略带沙哑的嗓音唱歌。
- I must wash my hands before dinner. 吃饭前,我必须洗手。
- The doctor dislodged the fish bone from her throat. 医生取出哽在她喉中的鱼骨头。