- throw into the ashcan 抛弃
- A cigarette thrown into the woods in dry weather may start a fire. 在天气干燥时把点燃的香烟扔进树林可能会引起火灾。
- He even threw into the bargain some of his pots. 甚至还把他做的一些陶罐也给了行人。
- Pay your tax honestly or you may is throw into the cooler. 老实交税,不然的话,就有可能被关进监牢。
- Pay your tax honestly or you may be thrown into the cooler. 老实交税,不然的话,就有可能被关进监牢。
- The gravity holds you to its surface,and pulls back to it the ball which you throw into the air. 引力使你保持在地面上,能把你扔到空中的球吸引回来。
- She throw a stone into the pond and watch the ripples spread. 她把一块石头扔进池塘里,看著水的波纹扩散开。
- There's a cigarette packet thrown into the gutter. 阴沟里有个香烟盒。
- I receive many advertisement letters every day, which I throw into the garbage bin without reading them. 我每天都收到很多广告信件,但我看都不看就扔进废物筒里。
- The gravity holds you to its surface, and pulls back to it the ball which you throw into the air. 引力使你保持在地面上,能把你扔到空中的球吸引回来。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: "Every boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live. 法老吩咐他的众民说:“以色列人所生的男孩,你们都要丢在河里;一切的女孩,你们要存留他的性命。
- The poor peasant was thrown into a dungeon. 那个可怜的农民被投进了地牢。
- We were thrown into confusion by the news. 我们让那消息给弄糊涂了。
- It's just a phenomenally large problem, and you wouldn't recognize that from just your one little bag that you happen to throw into the gutter. 这只是一个表面上的大问题,而且你不会从你恰好扔入排水沟的小塑料袋中意识到。
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船驶入了港湾。
- The next day he was kidnapped and thrown into the Bastille. 第二天他就被绑架,并被关进了巴士底监狱。
- All resources are thrown into the production of civilian good. 全部资源都投放到民用物品的生产上了。
- You might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to him. 你借他钱不如把钱扔到海里去。
- The reddening sky threw into relief a line of trees on the horizon. 通红的天空使地平线上的一行清晰可见。