- I am sorry to have to inflict myself upon you. 很抱歉,我不得不打扰你。
- I'm sorry to have to inflict myself upon you. 对不起,得打扰你了。
- throw myself uponvt. 委身于(攻击)
- Don't make me throw myself under a train. 不要把我自己丢到火车上。
- I congratulate myself upon my narrow escape. 我庆幸自己死里逃生。
- I throw myself on your support to help me win this competition. 我依靠你的支持来帮我赢得这场竞争。
- Throw myself face down on the bed and cry myself to sleep. 我扑倒在床上,一直哭到睡着。
- I would go to Old Bridge and throw myself in the Arno River! 我会去老桥,我将纵身跳入阿诺河!
- I threw myself at her feet and asked her to forgive me. 我拜倒在她的脚下,请求她饶恕我。
- I throw myself on your mercy. 我求你发发慈悲。
- threw myself uponv. 委身于(攻击)
- thrown myself uponv. 委身于(攻击)
- I threw myself on the bed and began to groan. 我倒在床上,开始呻吟起来。
- And when I find herI'll throw myself at her feet and ask her to spend the rest of her life with me. 一旦我找到了,我就要拜倒在她的石榴裙下,恳求她作为我的终身伴侣。”
- As I could pitch upon no probable means for it, so I resolved to put myself upon the watch. 由于一时想不出妥当办法,我决计先去守望。
- Now I avenge myself upon those who have eaten up my substance and would destroy my home! 现在我要对那些吃光了我的东西和破坏我家庭的人报仇了!
- I'm still looking for the right girl to marry. And when I find her, I'll throw myself at her feet and ask her to spend the rest of her lifewith me. 他说我现在还在物色一个我认为合适的女孩作为我的妻子一旦我找到了我就要拜倒在她的石榴裙下恳求她作为我的终身伴侣。
- As I could pitch upon no probable means for it, I resolved to put myself upon the watch. 由于一时想不出妥当办法,我决计先去守望。
- "A train will come - I'll throw myself under the wheels, and it'll all be over," Katusha was thinking, not answering the little girl. “还会有一列火车开过来的,我索性往轮子下一跳,一了百了,”喀秋莎自个儿想着,没有回答小姑娘的话。
- Strange how my heart heats, to find myself upon your shore. Strange how I stil feel. My loss I comfort gone before. 一张张的面孔在心底的河流中显现出来,既而隐去。然后我看见15岁少年那双明亮清澈的眼睛,还有他英俊温情的笑容。汹涌而来的疼痛刹那间将我淹没。