- throw up into the wind 使迎风驶去
- And when they got up into the boat, the wind ceased. 他们上了船,风就止住了。
- The baby loved being thrown up into the air and safely caught again. 这婴儿喜欢被抛起来再被稳稳地接住。
- A blackbird nosed up into the sky, singing. 一只山雀唱着歌向空中飞去。
- If the mountain peak, which is exactly the shape of a giant head, had eyes, they would have looked down from time to time at this fierce tooth projecting up into the sky, exposed to the wind, the rain, and the scorching sun of the Gobi Desert. 要是这座酷似巨人头颅的山峰有眼睛,准会每次垂下眼睫,都看见自己这颗凶险的牙凌空翘起,毫无遮掩地遭受风吹雨淋和戈壁烈日肆无忌惮的灼烤。
- The plane was nosing high up into the sky. 飞机正向上升入高空。
- In rotating, the shaft splashes oil up into the bearings. 当轴旋转的时候就把油溅入轴承。
- The rocket nosed up into the space. 火箭向上飞入太空。
- I looked up into the sky and saw the kite become smaller and smaller. 我遥望天空,只见风筝越来越小。
- The wind has come about into the north. 风向已转北。
- The eagle spirals up into the sky. 鹰盘旋着飞上了高空。
- The sailboat hauled round [into the wind]. 那艘帆船转了弯[转向上风]。
- The strong smell made me throw up. 这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。
- the ship came up into the wind with all yards aback. 那条船逆着所有的帆桁顶风航行。
- The act of sailing closer into the wind. 抢风行驶向风里驶得更近的行动
- The branch speared up into the air. 枝条象矛一样伸入空中。
- The rocket shot up into the sky. 火箭一下子飞入天空。
- Planes,like birds,take off heading into the wind. 飞机和鸟一样,迎风起飞。
- On this particular cold January morning the winds were light, which allowed the superheated gases and steam to rise straight up into the sky from the glowing and spattering vents within Puu Oo. 在一月这个特别寒冷的早晨,微风轻拂,高热的各类气体和水蒸气得以从普乌火山口中炽热而澎湃的裂隙中向上直冲云霄。
- The wind whirled the leaves into the air. 风把树叶刮到了空中。