- They throw in their hand. 他们认输。
- The nobility had their chief seat in and around Athens, whose maritime trade, with occasional piracy still thrown in, enriched them and concentrated in their hands the wealth existing in the form of money. 贵族们的主要居住地是雅典及其近郊,在那里,海上贸易以及附带的有时仍然进行的海上掠夺,使贵族们发财致富,并使货币财富集中在他们手中。
- Children love to ball snow up in their hands. 小孩子们喜欢将雪在手里做成球儿。
- thrown in their handv. 退出竞争(放弃;认输)
- The children were balling mud up in their hands. 孩子们正在搓泥球。
- throw in their handvi. 退出竞争(放弃;认输)
- She was helpless wax in their hands. 她是一个受他们摆布的没有依靠的人。
- Marchers carried colorful banners in their hands. 游行者手里拿着彩旗。
- They came with baskets in their hands. 他们提着筐子来了。
- They have the functions and powers in their hands. 他们手里掌握着职权。
- Junior hospital doctors are thrown in at the deep end in their first jobs. 医院的初级医生们开始工作时会遇上未曾料到的困难。
- The swimmers are aware of taking their lives in their hands whenever they venture into these waters. 来游泳的人每回冒险进入这带水域,都深知随时有生命危险。
- The climbers are taking their lives in their hands, climbing the mountain in this weather. 这些登山者在这样的天气上山,简直是拿生命开玩笑。
- "The goalkeeper may use his hands within the goal area, and other players may use their hands to throw in the Ball from the touchline. 守门员在球门禁区之内可以用手,其他队员可以用手掷边线球。
- With candies in their hands, the children danced joyfully. 小孩们因收到糖果而开心地手舞足蹈。
- But since 1948, Israeli Druze have thrown in their lot with the Jewish majority. 但是自从1948年以来,以色列的德鲁士人与大多数犹太人的命运联系在了一起。
- Two jockeys were thrown in the second race. 有两个骑师在第二场赛马时摔了下来。
- We wanted to wait until they had the money in their hands. 我们等待直到他们拿到了钱
- Their good is not in their hand: the counsel of the wicked is far from me. 看哪,他们亨通不在乎自己。恶人所谋定的离我好远。
- The old men having set the ball rolling,the others began to throw in their suggestions. 老头儿们开了头,别人都纷纷出起主意来。