- I'll try to climb through,but it's a tight fit. 我将试试爬过去,不过身子不易通过。
- The new sweater was a tight fit. 这件新毛衣很贴身。
- The bearing inner races were a tight fit to the table shaft. 轴承的内圈与台轴采用紧配合。
- The bearing's inner races were a tight fit to the table shaft. 轴承的内圈与台轴采用紧配合。
- Bend these claws outward for a tight fit, if necessary. 如果需要,请朝外弯曲这些爪卡以实现紧配合。
- Tight fit in body ensures disc-seat alignment and prevents side thrust on stem. 精密配合阀体,保证阀瓣-阀座对准和防止在阀杆上产生侧面推力。
- After the procedure, the skin must contract to have a smooth, tight fit. 手术后皮肤会收缩,变得光滑紧致。
- The big boy tried to climb through the window of the warehouse,but it's a tight fit. 那个胖男孩孩想从仓库的窗户里爬过去,不过他太胖了身子不易通过。
- The big boy tried to climb through the window of the warehouse, but it' s a tight fit. 那个胖男孩孩想从仓库的窗户里爬过去,不过他太胖了身子不易通过。
- The big boy tried to climb through the window of the warehouse, but it's a tight fit. 那个胖男孩孩想从仓库的窗户里爬过去,不过他太胖了身子不易通过。
- Drill a hole in the centre of the blank PCB so that the copper pipe is a tight fit in the hole. 在空白电路板的中间钻一个小孔,使得铜管正好紧紧地固定在中间。
- You can avoid soiling of the harness by using two nappies well applied for a tight fit around the top of the leg. 保持尿布与大腿紧密贴合,可以防止大小便漏出来弄脏吊带。建议给婴儿内穿尿不湿,外面再包一层尿布。
- Tight fitting clothes like jeans also impact fertility, he said. 他说,牛仔裤之类的紧身衣裤同样对生育力有影响。
- The feet are large, toes tight fitting and well arched. 脚大,脚趾紧张装修和幸福拱形。
- The cut is athletic, with enough room to fit over my Level 1 and Level 2 long sleeved shirts, but is a tight fit over my Level 3. 裁剪是富有立体,留有足够的空间把我1级和2级的长袖衬衣遮严,但是对我的级别3的衣服来说就有点紧了。
- The face masks contain a transparent dome for visual check of bleeding, vomitus and spontaneous breathing, and a air cushion for a tight fit and easily seal to patient’s face. 透明的面罩外壳便于观察面罩内呕吐物、血污和患者自然呼吸情况,面罩气垫轮廓贴合患者脸型,提供良好的密封效果。
- He makes but a tight fit. 他这个人啊,总是闹饥荒,亏空累累。
- NORG's Iris, Light purple folded dress, flat collar shrunk sleeves, machine washed and ironned dress. This design shows female figure excellently because of the upper tight fit and lower extention. 这款高级的百摺洋装采用的是小礼服的布料,机器烫水洗处理定型,您可以大方的参与任何场合,自然反射的光泽,上缩下外放的剪裁,特别能表现女性修长美艳的身材
- Tightly fitting Union Jack shorts are no longer acceptable. 紧身的米字旗短裤现在已经被禁止了。
- Tight fitting black lycra dress with red stitching. Perfect for going to the bar, the rippers... clubs. Anywhere. 红色绣纹像是血液在黑色的莱卡布料上流淌,无论您出现在酒吧,俱乐部等等任何地方,这件贴身短裙都能让您迅速出挑,魅惑万众!