- tightly coupled network 紧密耦合网络
- Through the in-depth analysis of SIP conference mixing model and tightly coupled conference framework model provided by IETF, this paper bring forward a SIP conference model suitable for NGN network. 通过对该模型的进一步改进,本文提出了一种适合于NGN网络,构建多媒体会议系统的模型:即实现会议控制、媒体混合和用户交互三种功能模块分离的模型。
- First, date and time values are not tightly coupled with the time zones to which they belong. 首先,日期和时间值与其所属的时区没有紧密关联。
- Nested types should be tightly coupled to their declaring type and must not be useful as a general purpose type. 嵌套类型应与其声明类型紧密关联,并且不得用作通用类型。
- EAI applications, on the other hand, are tightly coupled, and can be either synchronous or asynchronous. 然而,EAI应用程序的耦合程度非常的紧密,而且能同步也能异步。
- This event generation is tightly coupled with process and activity state transitions. 该事件的生成与流程和活动状态的转变紧密相关。
- So tightly coupled are genes and culture, Wilson and Lumsden say, that "genes and culture are inseverably linked. 威尔逊和拉姆斯登说,基因和文化的耦合如此紧密,以致于“基因和文化不可分离地连为一体。
- Other GDD approaches that our customers frequently employ include componentized team development and tightly coupled co-development. 我们其它的客户经常使用的GDD解决方案包括模块化团队开发以及紧密连接的联合开发。
- Are tightly coupled to the application that they have been developed for and typically leverage a published integration API from the namesake. 与应用程序是紧耦合的,它们已经被开发用来利用已发布的同名集成API。
- All of this is then tied together via deployment descriptors, resulting in a tightly coupled, fairly complicated set of files to keep up with. 然后通过部署描述符把所有这些捆绑在一起,形成耦合紧密且相当复杂的文件集。
- When systems are tightly coupled using proprietary infrastructures, this is done at the expense of application interoperability. 在使用专用基础结构将系统紧密耦合在一起时,是以牺牲应用程序互操作性为代价实现的。
- However, a great number of studies indicate that plate movement is tightly coupled with asthenosphere, instead of sliding on asthenosphere. 但大量资料表明地球历史上岩石圈板块与软流圈是同步耦合运动的,而不是在软流圈上滑移。
- The tightly coupled integration strategy with single difference L1 C/A code and Doppler measurements was used for navigation computation. 在紧组合方案的卡尔曼滤波器中,单差L1 C/A码和多普勒作为观测量进行导航解算。
- Research results show that the control of reactive circular power flow in looped electromagnetically coupled network can evidently decrease the network loss and improve economic effect of power grid. 研究表明,对电磁环网中的无功环流进行控制可显著降低网损,提高电网经济效益。
- Wang Hongyu,Li Hemin,Luo Yingli,et al.Research on the nonlinear thermal-liquid coupled network model of whole stator of Three-Gorge generator[J].Proceedings of the CSEE,2008,28(8):136-142(in Chinesel. [14]王红宇;李和明;罗应立;等.;三峡水轮发电机全定子非线性热-流体耦合网络模型的研究[J]
- Strategy 6: Tightly Coupled Parallel Programs is the domain of specialized applications in engineering, physics, and biological modeling, such as finite state analysis. 策略6:紧耦合并行程序属于工程、物理和生物学建模等领域的专用应用程序的范畴,包括有限状态机等等。
- Tightly coupled systems, on the other hand, impose a significant amount of customized overhead to enable communication and require a greater understanding between the systems. 另一方面,紧耦合系统要求大量自定义系统开销来进行通信,并要求系统之间有更多的了解。
- So tightly coupled are genes and culture, Wilson and Lumsden say, that "genes and culture are inseverably linked.Changes in one inevitably force changes in the other. 威尔逊和拉姆斯登说,基因和文化的联系如此紧密,以致于“基因和文化不可分离地联系在一起。
- The paper studies and designs two types of real-time management system which are separately based on loosely coupled and tightly coupled multiprocessor system. 本文对两 种实时管理系统进行了研究与设计:基于松祸合多处理机和基于紧藕 合多处理机的实时管理系统。