- I can't enjoy a hurried breakfast; I like to take my time about it. 我不能匆匆忙忙地吃早餐,我喜欢从容不迫地吃。
- But why then did he talk all the time about boats? 可是他又怎么一直说帆船的事呢?
- Let's not wast our time about it. 我们不要为了这件事而浪费时间。
- I teased him all the time about being a nerd. 我总是取笑他是一个书呆子。
- A protestant emperor should be chosen time about with a popish. 新教的皇帝应和天主教的皇帝轮流选出。
- John's pals were giving him a hard time about his girlfriend. 约翰的朋友们因为他的女朋友而和他过不去。
- Each time about to open my mouth, I give way to silence. 每一次想开口但不如保持安静。
- The Wehrmacht is becoming stingier all the time about this. 对于这一点,德军越来越苛刻。
- It seems that people become less happy over time about a given level of income. 随着时间的推移,人们似乎并不怎么满足于已有的收入水平。
- Everyone gets confused from time to time about which utensil to use. 人们经常会搞不清到底该用哪种餐具来吃哪道菜。
- An "on-board check system" has to inform the driver of a vehicle at any time about the present condition of his car. 一种板上检查系统必须在任何时候均能告诉汽车驾驶员其车辆的现行情况。
- Mao himself complained many times about their pervasiveness. 毛泽东曾许多次抱怨他们的普遍蔓延。
- The lads came gayly back and went at their sports again with a will, chattering all the time about Tom's stupendous plan and admiring the genius of it. 小家伙们又兴高采烈地回来了,痛痛快快地做着游戏,不停谈论着汤姆那伟大的计划,称赞他足智多谋。
- Again I thought about parallels to Buddhism, this time about sacredness associated with the crown of the head. 同样我又想到了佛教,它认为头顶是极为神圣之处。
- The Prediction of the Survival Time about Hepatoma Patients with the BP Neural Network Method. BP神经网络预测肝癌患者生存期的研究。
- They complained all the time about their bad luck and not being favored by chances. 他们怨天尤人,大叹生不逢时,缺少机遇。
- Its so easy, but how many people heed this message and instead keep asking me all the time about the end of the world? 但有多少人愿意学呢?反而老是问我有关世界末日的事!
- Some enemy is not killed, so we can only avoid them, jump box for the last time about the direction of control. 有些敌人是不能杀死的,所以只好避开他们,空格为跳跃,上次左右控制方向。
- We would keep on informing you from time to time about the new homes coming up in the market! 我们也会继续向你不时拿出新家园在市场上!
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。