- time law of communication 通信技术的时间法则
- We are subject to the law of the land. 我们须遵守当地的法律。
- Who discovered the Law of Gravitation? 谁发现了引力定律?
- It's the law of human progress in our time. 这是我们这个时代人类进步的法则。
- Newton's law of motion apply to all things on the earth. 牛顿时的运动定律适用于地球上一切东西。
- Enactment into law of a legislative measure. (议案)通过把立法议案制定为法律
- Radio and television are important means of communication. 无线电和电视是重要的通信手段。
- The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods. 供求规律决定商品的价格。
- I bank with Bank of Communications. 我在交通银行存款。
- A citizen is expected to conform to the law of his country. 一个好公民应当遵从他国家的法律。
- Television is an important medium of communication. 电视是一种重要的传播媒体。
- This is an important line of communication. 这是一条交通要道。
- All channels of communication need to be kept open. 所有沟通管道都得保持畅通无阻。
- Newtow conclusively established the law of gravity. 牛顿确定了万有引力定律。
- Marx is the progenitor of Communism. 马克思是共产主义的创始人。
- His belief of communism is immovable. 他坚定不移地信仰共产主义。
- You must master the law of conservation of energy. 你必须掌握能量守衡定律。
- Television is an effective means of communication. 电视是一种有效的通讯手段。
- We must respect the laws of a country we are in. 我们必须遵守所在国家的法律。
- Once upon a time, telegrams were the fastest form of communication. 电报曾是最快的通讯方式。