- Multiplication over finite field is the most time consuming operation in implementing ECC, Actually multiplication over finite field is modular multiplication, The cryptographic processor performs multiplication over finite field GF(2~n) for ECC. 实现椭圆曲线密码系统最费时的就是有限域上的乘法,有限域上的乘法实际上是模乘,该协处理器能够为ECC处理有限域GF(2~n)上的乘法运算。
- Among the basic arithmetic operations over finite fields, the computation of multiplicative inverse is the most time consuming operation. 在有限域的基本运算中,乘法逆元的计算是最费时间的运算。
- The multi-scalar multiplication with two scalars is the most time consuming operations in elliptic curve cryptography(ECC). 在现代密码系统中使用椭圆曲线密码(ECC)最频繁的一种方法是多点乘算法。
- This lock quite time consuming to open it. 开这个锁蛮吃时间的!
- Statements can be incredibly time consuming. 语句耗费的时间可能会令人难以置信。
- Time consuming so pls gv me more time.. ... 这多半由外部因素所致,比如疲劳、 ...
- This can be quite time consuming, though. 不过,这是一件很耗时间的工作。
- This was the most time consuming step. 这是最费时间的一个步骤。
- This method has character istic of less time consuming, practicality, simple operation and high selectivi ty. 结果表明,该方法具有分析速度快、实用性强、操作简便、选择性好等特点。
- True enough,but on the other hand,it's time consuming. 的确,不过从另一方面说这很花时间。
- The trouble with stamp collecting is that it is too time consuming. 集邮这个爱好的问题是太费时间。
- Single time consuming above ¥ 800 could using VIP Room. 一次性消费达¥800可使用豪华VIP房。
- Sorrow and anger are metabolically expensive and time consuming. 要知道悲伤和气愤促使新陈代谢变得紊乱,并且浪费时间。
- Writing an ebook is a time consuming and arduous task. 这项艰巨的任务需要我们做出更大的努力。
- Sorting is inherently time consuming compared to many typical operations. 与许多典型的操作相比,排序本身就很耗时。
- Doing this task by hand can become time consuming and is often inconsistent. 手动做这项任务比较浪费时间,往往(多次插入)不一致。
- Adapting current software to older computers is inefficient and time consuming. 让当前的软件适应旧电脑是件效率低下且非常耗时的事情。
- The expressway is not the one time consumable good. 高速公路不是一次性消费品。
- All in all, most people find conferencing a time consuming activity. 总之,大多数人发现,讨论是一项耗时的活动。
- If the solution is easy and ont time consuming,please help your colleague. 如果同事所说的事情很容易解决而且不费时间的话,当然没问题。