- In-Site Resources Utilization (ISRU) has become a hot spot in space resource. 目前对月球、火星和部分近地小行星的地质研究取得了一定进展,但还存在许多未知领域。
- Concurrent evolution is a form of evolution in which all time space continuums evolve and learn together. 同步进化是一个进化形式,其中所有的时间空间连续体一起进化和学习。
- Every works contains a unique world created by the artist, namely, the time space of art. 摘要每一部作品里都有一个由艺术家创造的“独特的世界”-艺术时空。
- Therefore the Order is being returned to the time space quadrant that it originated within. 所以,它正在返回它来源的那个时空区域。
- The evaluation includes: wind energy resource analysis, units sizing, constriction, operation, environment evaluation, economic technology evaluation and so on. 评价内容包括:风能资源分析、项目规模、机组选型、施工、环评,经济技术评价等方面。
- We must liberate from traditional absolute time-space, setting up the lately opposite time space view. 我们必须从传统的绝对时空观中解放出来,树立起新的相对时空观。
- Oil price is moved to should pull time space on big, go up a control inside proper limits, can give a company so one pants, accommodative space.. 上调油价应把时间距离拉大,涨幅控制在适当的范围内,这样可以给企业一个喘气、适应的空隙...
- It is shown that with the change of condition parameters in SHS process various time space order combustion waves appear. 结果表明:随着参数条件的改变,自蔓延高温合成过程中燃烧波会出现各种时空有序的耗散结构。
- In this paper,the data mining and component technology is introduced,and a Customer Resource Analysis System(CRAS),which is based on the associated rules and can be applied to different field,is puts forward first. 文章应用数据挖掘技术和基于构件的软件开发方法,提出了一个基于关联规则的、适合于各种不同领域的构件化企业数据挖掘系统开发模型。
- In Quiet Don, the author Sholokhov deals with the time space of art in a distinct way, which is displayed by his subjective play with the time and the construction of image space. 《静静的顿河》的艺术时空有着独特的处理方法,表现在时间的主观游戏和意象空间的建构上。
- Results show that the most important four POPs are closely related to El Nino/La Nina events,indicating that the event has complicated time space structure. 结果表明,最重要的 4 个传播型 P O P对与 El Nino/ La Nina 事件关系密切,说明这类事件具有复杂的时空结构。
- The thesis analyse land use change from time 、 space、 quality、 degreeact.the result show not only zone but also five districts of lucc exeist difference. 分析结果表明,不仅研究区域总体上土地利用变化大,而且五个区之间的土地利用变化也存在着巨大的差异。
- Plan and establish production process routing and conduct employed resources analysis. 规划并制作生产工艺流程,提供生产资源需求分析。
- Three, please put up the vogue magazine several in the Chu cabinet, good let me be unlikely in wait for the sparerib soup burn goodly before of endlessly time space falsely. 第三,请在橱柜里放上时尚杂志数本,好让我在等待排骨汤烧好之前的漫长时间里不至于太空虚。
- Necessary measures should be adopted to protect the space environment and space resources in the course of international space cooperation. 国际空间合作应采取必要措施保护空间环境和空间资源。
- Applying UML in Real-time System Resource Analysis 应用UML进行实时系统资源分析
- GRASS,the Geographical Resources Analysis Support System,is a public domain raster GIS, vector GIS,image processing,and graphics production system. 地理资源分析支持系统(GRASS)是一个基于栅格的、具有矢量分析功能的地理信息系统,也是图像处理系统和图件生成系统。
- The aim of international space cooperation is to peacefully develop and use space resources for the benefit of all mankind. 国际空间合作应以和平开发和利用空间资源,为全人类谋取福利为宗旨。
- Resource Analysis and Management System 资源分析与管理系统
- Along with the growth of alfalfa, canopy was continuous ongoing self-adjustment in fuller use of space resources, as well as hot-ray. 随着植株生长,冠层内部在不断地进行自我调整以更加充分地利用空间以及光热资源。