- In some cases the infusion lines and times of administration of ceftriaxone and calciumcontaining solutions differed. 没有副作用的药竟会致死。
- The elimination rate was 99.5% after two times of administration of the poison.Conclusion The 0.005% bromadiolone baits have good palatability to rodent and efficacy against rodent. 结论使用的0.;005%25溴敌隆毒饵适口性好;灭鼠效果好;操作方便、简单;且节省人力物力;对人畜较安全;值得大面积推广应用。
- It was a time of great tribulation. 那是一段充满苦难的时期。
- Religion was her crutch in times of sorrow. 宗教是她忧伤时依赖的支柱。
- We led a hard life in times of stress. 在困难时期我们过着艰苦的生活。
- Have you made sure of the time of the train? 火车开车时间你搞清楚了吗?
- It's so changeable at this time of year. 这段时间天气变化无常。
- I'll make sure of the time of the flight. 我要核实一下这班飞机的时间。
- She stopped by just to pass the time of day. 她来串门只是为了打发时间。
- He will never fall away even in time of danger. 他即使在危急时刻也绝不会放弃原则。
- Food shortage often occur in times of war. 战争期间常发生粮食短缺现象。
- His generosity manifests itself in times of need. 他的慷慨在困境中表现了出来。
- Water is short at this time of year. 每年这个时候缺水。
- Leaking secrets becomes a method of administration. 泄密成了一种治理国事的方法。
- He was a master of administration and diplomacy. 他是行政和外交事务方面的一个杰出人物。
- He played the man in the time of great trouble. 他在极为困难的时候显示出男子汉的气概。
- Light had no previous experience of administration. 莱特过去没有行政经验。
- Do the time of the execution of the work suit you? 贵方觉得工程完成期限定得合适吗?
- The staffing of administrative agencies of the State Council shall be determined at the same time of the establishment thereof. 第十八条国务院行政机构的编制在国务院行政机构设立时确定。
- We have introduced an extra tier of administration. 我们额外增加了一层管理。