- How the Concept of Market Economy be Presented? 市场经济概念是怎样提出来的?
- My understanding of market economy is very limited. 我对市场经济的了解很差。
- Competition mechanism is the most active element of market economy. 竞争机制是市场经济中最活跃的要素。
- They grew up during the transitional times of planned and market economy. 他们成长于计划经济与市场经济的过渡年代,
- times of market economy 市场经济时代
- Competition is the common character of market economy. 竞争是市场经济的一般特征。
- Such, can announce the essence of market economy and panorama. 这样,就可以揭示市场经济的本质和全貌。
- A general outline and overview of trade union theories in time of transition towards a socialist market economy II. 向社会主义市场经济转变时期的工会理论纲要与述评2。
- This legal system, no break of lease with bargain, is the outcome of capitalism which has been in monopolistic stage and the requirement of market economy at the same time. 买卖不破租赁这项法律制度是资本主义经济发展到垄断阶段的产物,是市场经济发展的要求。
- In the meantime, after reforming and opening, the construction of market economy starts late, lose time, growth rate is inferior, economy grows apparent lag at other area. 同时,改革开放后,市场经济的建设起步晚、走得慢,发育程度较低,经济发展明显滞后于其它地区。
- At the same time, the phenomena that some modern corporations develop the county market by using barter shows that barter can be viewed as a active part of market economy. 同时,现代企业利用物物交换开发农村市场的事实也说明物物交换并非是与市场经济背道而驰的,而可以成为当代市场经济的一部分。
- But, these enterprises were washed out flintily by the tide of market economy. 但是,这些企业被市场经济的浪潮无情地淘汰了。
- Some male solicits Gao Guan saying that estimate value disorder, 10 time of market profits also possible high. 有公募高管称,估值紊乱,10倍市盈率也可能高。
- The township government played an important role in the time of the planned economy, whereas it became a shackle to solve the three problems regarding the farmer, countryside and agriculture along with the development of the market economy. 摘要我国的乡镇政府在计划经济时代发挥了重要的作用,但随着农村市场经济的发展,其逐渐成为了解决“三农”问题的桎梏。
- One, be prepared for danger in times of safety: Development diversified economy is imperative as system of socialist market economy build, nicotian industry is facing stern market test. 一、居安思危:发展多种经营势在必行随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,烟草行业面临着严重的市场考验。
- Separately, Citigroup said it was "pleased to inject liquidity into the financial system during times of market stress and to support creditworthy clients". 另外,花旗表示,它“很乐意在市场紧张期间向金融系统注入流动性,支持信誉卓著的客户。”
- Abstract: The system of china national athletic meeting which has already has 60 years old was birthing in the times of planned economy of our country, and was developing in market economy. 摘要:全运会体制诞生于计划经济时代,并发展于市场经济时代,它在我们国家已有接近60年的历史。
- Because China is now a society of market economy, economics is quite popular with many college students. 由于中国现在是市场经济社会,所以经济学在大学里特别受欢迎。
- Under the conditions of market economy, the Chinese Wushu has shown a trend of development into professionalization. 市场经济条件下,武术出现了职业化的发展趋势。
- With the development of administrant practice, the management ethics has become the important part of the reason of market economy. 随着管理实践的深入,管理伦理已成为市场理性的重要组成部分。