- tinea capitis [scalp ringworm] 头部白癣
- Results In the 43 patients of tinea capitis,there were black-dot ringworm 27 cases(62.8%),kerion 12 cases(27.9%),gray-patch ringworm 3 cases(7%),tinea favosa 1 case. 结果43例头癣中黑癣27例(62.;8%25)、脓癣12例(27
- Objective To find clinical and pathogenic fungi of tinea capitis. 目的了解本地区头癣发病情况以及菌种分布情况。
- Tinea capitis is a common kind of superficial fungal infective disease in skin. 头癣是一种常见的皮肤浅部真菌感染性疾病。
- According to the literature, tinea capitis in adults is supposed to be rare and is marked femal preponderance with little inflammatory reaction. 根据文献统计,成人头癣是少见的且以女性居大多数,并且都较局限性,发炎较轻微,少有如此严重之表现。
- More than 2% of Uyghur school children in this area have severe tinea capitis due to this organism and T. verrucosum. 当地超过2%25的维吾尔族中小学生患有严重的头癣,致病菌是堇色毛癣菌和疣状毛癣菌。
- Conclusion: Because the immunity was decreased, fungi were the main causes of tinea capitis. 结论:病人自身抵抗力下降,存在真菌性病源是本病的主要原因。
- Slide 3-7 In this case of tinea capitis only a solitary, well-defined, non-erythematous lesion is seen. 幻灯3-7在这个头癣病例中只见到孤立的、非常局限的非红斑性损害。
- Results: The ratio of male to female was 2.18:1.There were 72 patients with exposure of pets,41 contacts of tinea capitis patients. 年龄1~34岁;平均(6.;13±2
- Methods: Scales and hair of 56 tinea capitis patients and the pets they feed were identified by Sabouraud s dextrose agar(SAD) culture. 方法:采集56例头癣病患者及其所养61只宠物的皮屑和毛发行沙氏琼脂培养基培养鉴定病原菌种类。
- However tinea capitis especially kerion can not be cured only by external ointments without antifungal medicine in children. 但儿童头癣,尤其是脓癣,不口服抗真菌药物,只用外用药是无法治愈的。
- The time leading to damage the hairs was delayed along with the ages growing both in tinea capitis strains and tinea corporis strains (P<0.01). 无论是头癣株还是体癣株,感染毛发的感染时间均随着年龄的增长而延长(P<0.;01)。
- And our experiment is to study the security of itraconazole(commercial name is sipirennuo) for tinea capitis in children. 本实验研究是通过动物实验来考察伊曲康唑(商品名斯皮仁诺)治疗儿童头癣的安全性。
- Slide 3-10 Fourteen year old Uyghur school girl from kashi City area (Xinjiang province,west China) with tinea capitis and tinea corporis due to Trichophyton violaceum. 幻灯3-10由堇色毛癣菌引起的头癣和体癣。患者14岁,为中国新疆喀什地区的维吾尔族女生。
- Conclusion The time leading to the hairs damaged by tinea capitis strains is earlier and the damage degree of the hairs is severer than tinea corporis strains. [摘要]目的 光镜和电镜下观察犬小孢子菌对毛发破坏的程度,比较犬小孢子菌头癣株和体癣株对不同年龄组毛发感染时间的差异。
- Objective:To investigate the correlation factor on the relationship between tinea capitis and pets and discuss its corresponding health education methods. 目的:分析头癣病与家养宠物的病原学关系,探讨其相应的健康教育方法。
- This bimodal distribution of patients and causative fungi, also reported in southern and northern Taiwan, represents a new trend of tinea capitis in the past 2 decades. 此两极化之病人及致病菌种分布,亦见于台湾南部及北部,代表近二十年头癣之新趋势。
- The time of tinea capitis strains leading to damage the hairs was significantly shorter than that of tinea corporis strains in different age groups (P<0.01). 在各个年龄组中,头癣株导致毛发感染的时间明显短于体癣株(P<0.;01);
- LOS ANGELES (Reuters) Oct 01 - U.S. drug regulators on Friday said they had approved antifungal granules that can be sprinkled on a child's food to treat tinea capitis. 路透社消息:10月1日,星期五,美国药物管理者在洛杉矶宣布:为了治疗头癣,他们批准了向儿童食物中喷洒地吉妥辛(一种抗真菌药物)。
- Methods The examination of hair perforation in vitro and observation by SEM on the healthy hairs of different age groups damaged by tinea capitis strains and tinea corporis strains were carried out. 方法 临床采集不同年龄组的健康人毛发,分别进行头癣株和体癣株的毛发穿孔试验及扫描电镜观察。