- Tinea corporis is a fungal infection of the nonhairy parts of the skin. 体癣是一种在皮肤没有毛发的地方长的真菌传染病。
- Cultural growth was identified as Trichophyton mentagrophytes,diagnosed as kerion with tinea corporis. 根据培养镜下形态和鉴别试验鉴定为须癣毛癣菌。诊断为脓癣伴体癣。
- A case of tinea corporis around the anterior nares in a child after close contact with a pet rabbit was reported. 报道1例密切接触宠物兔后发生在幼儿双侧鼻孔周围及上唇部的体癣。
- Conversely, a single clinical form, such as tinea corporis, may be caused by more than one dermatophyte species. 反过来,一种感染比如体癣,也可由不同的皮肤癣菌引起。
- Of tinea corporis,hand-foot tinea,Liriodendron wind,moisture foot treatment significantly. 对股癣、手足癣、鹅掌风、脚湿气治疗效果显著。
- Objective:To prepare a novel slow-releasing ketoconazole spraying membrane and to observe its effect on eczema and tinea corporis in guinea pigs. 目的:制备新型酮康唑缓释喷膜,观察其对湿疹和体癣豚鼠模型的疗效。
- This product is mainly used for superficial skin fungal infections, such as hand ringworm, tinea pedis, tinea corporis, tinea corporis and so on. 本品主要用于皮肤浅表真菌感染,如手癣、足癣、体癣、股癣等。
- The time leading to damage the hairs was delayed along with the ages growing both in tinea capitis strains and tinea corporis strains (P<0.01). 无论是头癣株还是体癣株,感染毛发的感染时间均随着年龄的增长而延长(P<0.;01)。
- Slide 3-10 Fourteen year old Uyghur school girl from kashi City area (Xinjiang province,west China) with tinea capitis and tinea corporis due to Trichophyton violaceum. 幻灯3-10由堇色毛癣菌引起的头癣和体癣。患者14岁,为中国新疆喀什地区的维吾尔族女生。
- Objective: To evaluate the efficacy compound econazole cream in treatment of tinea corporis, tinea inguinalis and tinea manus,tinea pedis, and its safety. 目的:评价复方硝酸益康唑软膏治疗体股癣及手足癣疗效及安全性。
- Conclusion The time leading to the hairs damaged by tinea capitis strains is earlier and the damage degree of the hairs is severer than tinea corporis strains. [摘要]目的 光镜和电镜下观察犬小孢子菌对毛发破坏的程度,比较犬小孢子菌头癣株和体癣株对不同年龄组毛发感染时间的差异。
- The time of tinea capitis strains leading to damage the hairs was significantly shorter than that of tinea corporis strains in different age groups (P<0.01). 在各个年龄组中,头癣株导致毛发感染的时间明显短于体癣株(P<0.;01);
- After cleansing, take appropriate涂擦uniform lesion. 2nd day. Treatment: general body two weeks for tinea corporis, ringworm of hand-foot-four weeks in order to better. 清洗后,取适量均匀涂擦患处。一日2次。疗程:一般体股癣为2周,手足癣以4周为宜。
- Results The top three incidence rates of superficial mycosis were tinea pedis and tinea manus( 41.9 %), tinea inguinalis ( 19.1 %), tinea corporis ( 16.9 %). 结果浅部真菌病发病率以手足癣(41.;9%25)、股癣(19
- Slide 3-15 This case of tinea corporis was caused by Trichophyton rubrum. The case was seen in Wuhan, Hubei province, P. R. C. The patient was successfully treated by itraconazole. 幻灯3-15这是红色毛癣菌引起的体癣病例,来自中国湖北武汉市,经伊曲康唑治疗后成功治愈。
- Methods The examination of hair perforation in vitro and observation by SEM on the healthy hairs of different age groups damaged by tinea capitis strains and tinea corporis strains were carried out. 方法 临床采集不同年龄组的健康人毛发,分别进行头癣株和体癣株的毛发穿孔试验及扫描电镜观察。
- Methods Butenafine hydrochloride cream was applied to the affected area once a day for 4 weeks for patients with tinea pedis and 2 weeks for patients with tinea corporis and cruris. 疗程体股癣为2周,手足癣为4周,记录临床症状,并做真菌培养。治疗2周复查,4周后随访,进行总体评价。结果体股癣和手足癣患者4周后复查。
- Methods All the 160 patients with superficial mycoses (18 with tinea manum, 74 with tinea pedis, 47 with tinea crurls, 21 with tinea corporis) were divided into Group A and Group B at random. 方法将160例浅部真菌病患者(手癣18例,足癣74例,股癣47例,体癣21例)随机分为A,B两组。
- At present studying in potency, as the disease condition of animal test model of tinea corporis is serious, some antifungal chinese drugs that have a weak potency fail to take effect. 目前用于药效研究的癣病动物模型的病情多较重,一些抗真菌作用较弱的中药对其较难奏效。
- Tinea corporis due to Microsporum 小孢子菌属致体癣