- The flea is a kind of tiny creature. 跳蚤是一种微小生物。
- The mite is a tiny creature that feeds on honeybees. 这类螨类是一种以蜜蜂为食的微小生物。
- For the first three weeks of the cub's life, she may hold this tiny creature which is little larger than a mousen in her forepaw almost continuously. 在幼仔出世后的头三个星期里,熊猫妈妈会把它的这个略比老鼠大点儿的小宝宝一直放在前爪上。
- As I petted his curly little head, the tiny creature tried sucking on my fingers. 我轻轻拍它一头卷毛的小脑袋时,小家伙竟试着嘬我的手指。
- For the first three weeks of the cub's life,she may hold this tiny creature which is little larger than a mousen in her forepaw almost continuously. 在幼仔出世后的头三个星期里,熊猫妈妈会把它的这个略比老鼠大点儿的小宝宝一直放在前爪上。
- "I don't suppose you have a chance," the motorist told the tiny creature as he tied off the cord, "but at least I'll take you where it's warm. “我想你活的希望不大,”开车人一边扯断脐带一边对这个小生灵说道,“但至少我要把你带到一个暖和的地方。”
- There are many other examples of the same thing throughout the world, where one tiny creature protects a large one from dangerous invaders. 在世界各处皆有许多其他相同的例子,是由极小的生物来保护著大的生物以免于危险的侵略。
- The _mite_ is a tiny creature that fits( feeds) on honey bees.It may play a part in colony collapse disorder by carrying bee _ viruses _. 由于它随身带有针对蜜蜂的病毒,所以它在蜜蜂种群衰竭性失调的过程中也起了作用。
- The mite is a tiny creature that feeds on honey bees.It may play a part in colony collapse disorder by carrying bee viruses. 这种微生物是一种在蜜蜂体上取食的很小的生物,它们携带蜜蜂病菌,成为导致“群体崩溃紊乱”的一个因素。
- For the first three weeks of the cub's life, she may hold this tiny creature which is little larger than a mouse in her forepaw almost continuously. 在幼仔出世后的头三个星期里,熊猫妈妈会把它的这个略比老鼠大点儿的小宝宝一直放在前爪上。
- The most innocent stroll costs a myriad tiny creatures. 最单纯的散步,牺牲了无数小动物的生命。
- These tiny creatures are hardly visible to the naked eyes. 这些微小的生物肉眼几乎看不见。
- The most innocent stroll costs a myriad of tiny creatures. 最单纯的散步,牺牲了无数小动物的生命。
- He was a tiny creature, smaller than Winston, with dark hair and large, protuberant eyes, at once mournful and derisive, which seemed to search your face closely while he was speaking to you. 他个子小得可怜,比温斯顿还要瘦小,黑头发,大眼睛,那双凸出的眼睛悲哀又嘲讽,跟谁讲起话来,那眼光便仿佛紧紧探究着你的面孔。
- A drop of ditch-water harboured a whole community of innumerable tiny creatures. 一滴污水中藏有各种难以计数的微生物。
- Underground, thousands of tiny creatures are allowed to do what comes naturally: they burrow, eat, digest, live, breed, die and decompose. 在地下,成千上万的小生灵可以自然地生存:它们挖洞、进食、消化、生存、繁殖、死亡并分解。
- This creature lives in the depth of the ocean. 这种生物生活在海洋深处。
- Tuz Kuz breaks a Larva's body and discharges a countless number of hungry tiny creatures to bite all the enemy next to Larva. 塔兹克兹破开一只幼虫的身体,释放不计其数的饥饿小虫,囓咬幼虫附近所有的敌人。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。
- Nuclear energy remains a double-headed creature. 核能依然是一种有利也有弊的能原。