- tippy golden orange pekoe 毛尖多的极好的上等红茶
- TGFBOP: Tippy Golden Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe 显毫花碎金橙黄白毫
- golden orange pekoe 金橙色的上等红茶
- Lian: Yes. An orange pekoe, thank you. 丽安:好呀,请给我一点橘味香红茶,谢谢。
- Subtle ivory-nude shade with a touch of golden orange shimmer. 微妙的象牙色带淡淡的金橙色光芒.
- The terms "orange pekoe," "pekoe, " and "souchong" denote progressively larger leaves of black tea. 术语"橙白毫"、"白毫"和"小种"表依次由小到大的红茶叶子。
- The terms "orange pekoe," "pekoe," and "souchong" denote progressively larger leaves of black tea. 术语"橙白毫"、"白毫"和"小种"表依次由小到大的红茶叶子。
- The terms" orange pekoe,"" pekoe," and" souchong" denote progressively larger leaves of black tea. 术语"橙白毫"、白毫"和"小种"表依次由小到大的红茶叶子。
- The terms" orange pekoe ,"" pekoe," and" souchong" denote progressively larger leaves of black tea. 术语"橙白毫"、白毫"和"小种"表依次由小到大的红茶叶子。
- In the piles of golden orange, a greenish orange, attracted me, that is, the Yellow Emperor mandarin. 在一堆堆金黄色的橘子中,一种呈绿色的橘子,把我吸引住了,那就是黄帝柑。
- The big banyan overgrow of my day of day of a block limb, hang below brawny and strong limb full each golden orange. 一棵遮天蔽日的大榕树长满了枝干,粗壮有力的枝干下面挂满了一个个金灿灿的橘子。
- Broken leaf black tea (Broken Orange Pekoe) It is marked by its its distinctive, earthy taste and de... 发布者:裴佩所在地:上海静安区行业:食品、饮料职位:外销员工作年限:应届毕业生
- Amman under the sunset is enchanting; the entire, ancient, 3000 year old city of the desert basks all in a golden orange light. 这是安曼最美的一刻黄昏,把这一座三千多年前就存在的古老城市融为一色。
- She would send some to Landlord Wu together with several crates of golden oranges and tangerines. 她想这些菜长好的时候,她一定要送些给吴大老爷吃,而且只要屋边的橘子长红,广柑变黄,她也一定要送几篓上门去的。
- golden broken orange pekoe 细碎的金橙黄白毫
- My parents are celebrating their golden jubilee. 我父母正在庆祝他们的金婚纪念。
- The Silver Age came next, inferior to the golden. 接下来的是逊于黄金时代的白银时代。
- Marmalade is made from bitter orange. 橘子酱是用带皮酸橙制成。
- The waiter brought us a dish of orange segments. 服务员给我们端来一盘掰开的橘子瓣。
- He gave me a bottle of orange soda. 他递给我一瓶桔子汽水。