- A legal title to property held by one party for the benefit of another. 信托权一方为另一方利益而持有的合法财产权
- Documentary evidence by which one can defend a title to property or a claim to rights. 契据人们能够用来保护财产所有权或权利要求的书面证据
- Transfer of title to property from one person to another. 产权转让产权由一个人转让到另一个人
- He have a good title to the property. 他有此财产的有效产权证书。
- The process of acquiring title to property by reason of uninterrupted possession of specified duration. 获得财产权的程序因某特定的时间延续而获得财产权的程序
- One, such as a bank, that holds legal title to property in order to administer it for a beneficiary. 受信托人享有合法财产权以便为受益人管理财产的人或机构,如银行
- Beneficial owner: A person who does not have title to property But has rights in the property which are the normal incidents of owning the property. Cf. record owner. 受益所有人:指对财产没有所有权但拥有权利的人,这是财产归属方面的正常现象
- Beneficial owner A person who does not have title to property but has rights in the property which are the normal incidents of owning the property. Cf. Record owner. 受益所有人指对财产没有所有权但拥有权利的人,这是财产归属方面的正常现象。
- The confidence reposed in a trustee when giving the trustee legal title to property to administer for another, together with the trustee's obligation regarding that property and the beneficiary. 信托:给予受托人合法财产权的信任,以便其为他人管理财产并承担涉及财产及受益人的义务。
- A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one person is the holder of the title to property subject to equitable obligation to keep or use the property for the benefit of another. 信托是一种信赖关系,拥有财产权的人负有为他人利益而管理或处分该财产的衡平法义务。
- Do they have any title to this land? 他们对这土地有所有权吗?
- The confidence reposed in a trustee when giving the trustee legal title to property to administer for another,together with the trustee's obligation regarding that property and the beneficiary. 信托给予受托人合法财产权的信任,以便其为他人管理财产并承担涉及财产及受益人的义务。
- A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one person is the holder of the title to property subject to an equitable obligation to keep or use the property for the benefit of another. 摘要信讬,系源自英国法之一种为他人利益管理财产之制度,其基本要件为,财产所有人(委讬人)将其财产权(信讬财产)移转或设定于有管理能力且足以信赖之人(受讬人),使其为一定之人(受益人)之利益或为特定目的,管理或处分该财产。
- One who has legal title to something; an owner. 业主对某物有法定所有权的人; 主人
- Increasingly, farm land is yielding to property development. 地产的发展逐渐占据了农田。
- He has no title to this property. 他对这笔财产没有权利。
- She have no title to the property. 她没有该财产的所有权。
- To guarantee clear title to(real property). 保证(财产)的所有权
- I have clear title to this property. 我全权拥有这一财产。
- any tax levied on the passing of title to property. 转让财产时征收的税款项目。