- to accompany the bride 送亲
- We must drink to the health of the bride. 我们要为新娘的健康干杯。
- The bride brought many dowries to her husband. 新娘带着很多嫁妆给她丈夫。
- Several clay figures were created later to accompany the paintings. 壁画画好后,再配以彩塑。
- Firstly, to provide music to accompany the practice of Hatha Yoga . 首先,就是为伴随练习哈他瑜伽提供一张音乐专辑。
- Let's drink (a toast) to the bride and bridegroom! 让我们举杯向新娘和新郎祝贺!
- We all drank a health to the bride. 我们都为新娘的健康乾杯。
- By a stroke of sheer good luck, he was called upon to accompany the President. 他被叫去陪同总统纯属走运。
- The bride was given away by her father. 由父亲把新娘交与新郎。
- By a stroke of sheer good luck,he was called upon to accompany the President. 他被叫去陪同总统纯属走运。
- We all drank a toast to the bride and groom. 我们大家向新娘新郎敬酒。
- The nobles of the Han Dynasty used no more living people to accompany the dead. 汉代社会已不再用生人殉葬
- A piano was used to accompany the harp during the the music recital. 在音乐独奏会上,钢琴用来为竖琴伴奏。
- I must ask you to accompany me to the police station. 我得要求你陪我去一趟警察分局。
- The bride's kinsman gathered to make preparations for the wedding. 新娘的男亲属们聚集在一起为婚礼做准备。
- He wanted to know about the size of the press contingent to accompany the President. 他想知道随同总统访问的记者能派多少。
- It has bas-reliefs on four sides to accompany the models and obviously imitates the form of Rent Collection Yard. 四面有浮雕及景物模型。《农奴愤》的创作显然借鉴了《收租院》的创作经验。
- He agreed to accompany us to the theater. 他答应陪我们去剧院。
- The organ play as the bride come down the aisle. 当新娘沿著通道走过来时,风琴演奏了起来。
- Thankfully,2142 has a cool new feature in Titan mode to accompany the traditional conquest mode. 令人欣慰的是,配合传统的战斗模式,《2142》在泰坦模式上有很酷的新特点。