- Nonetheless, as soon as one walks out of the village, the stench of garbage begins to assail the nostrils. 但是,走出了村子,充满恶臭无比的垃圾,期待有一天资源回收。
- to assail the nostrils 扑鼻
- By 1000 BC waves of invaders began to assail the land. 到公元前约1000年,埃及遭受到蜂拥而来的入侵者的掠夺。
- Into a small dish of thin noodles, Luzhisuxiang, Xianxian mild, fragrance assail the nostrils, very Ruwei. 成菜面条细薄,卤汁酥香,咸鲜微辣,香气扑鼻,十分入味。
- Because the aroma of barbecue flavor assail the nostrils, food Youwei's become the party of choice for many people. 因为烤肉味道香气扑鼻、食之有味,成为许多人聚会的首选。
- A sweet smell assailed the nostrils. 香气扑鼻。
- A sweet smell assails the nostrils. 香气扑鼻
- Steaming miso soup, the aroma of Dolsotbap assail the nostrils ......"Korean cuisine" has now become a "Korea and Kazakhstan," the most beloved family. 据世界卫生组织统计,在众多致癌因素中,环境致癌因素最为重要,而其中又以化学致癌因素为主。
- Assail the nostrils aroma of bread, soft and crisp cookies, you can fall in love with the food in the end, additives or so? 面包香气扑鼻,饼干酥脆松软,可你爱上的到底是食物,还是添加剂呢?
- Erythrodermic its yellow flesh, delicious meat, steamed meat after the skin split open, the scent named after assail the nostrils. 因其红皮黄肉,肉质鲜美,蒸熟后皮开肉裂,香味扑鼻而得名。
- This deep-fried potato chips, color, appearance, aroma assail the nostrils, Cui Xiang and delicious to eat together, but not greasy oil. 这种油炸洋芋片,色泽美观,香味扑鼻,吃起来脆香可口,油而不腻。
- Evening stroll, moist sea breeze blowing, the trees came assail the nostrils aroma, is in a state of complete relaxation experience the vitality of fresh, easy go. 晚间漫步时,吹着潮湿的海风,扑鼻而来的是绿树香气,使人在完全放松的状态下感受到新鲜的生命力,轻松惬意。
- Cicai ruddy color, succulent Feinen, aroma assail the nostrils, the more chewing gets sweeter, taste delicious, well received by the customer welcome, soon famous. 此菜色泽红润、肉质肥嫩、香气扑鼻、越嚼越香、味道鲜美,深受广大顾客欢迎,不久便闻名全国。
- Strong whiffs of rare perfume assailed the nostrils. 异香扑鼻。
- It long as vermicelli, thin hair, such as powder, Li Kou fragrance, flavor assail the nostrils, full of nutrition, unique flavor, but also has a heat of the effectiveness of fire extinction. 它长如挂面,细如毛粉,清香利口,鲜味扑鼻,富有营养,风味别致,还具有消火消暑之功效。
- Assail the nostrils when the aroma bowl, bowl green, red and white has embraced the Ma-on food before, not to mention the number of incense, that color alone is enough to cause salivary Nanyi greedy. 当一碗香气扑鼻,碗里绿、红、白相互辉映的麻食子放在面前,不要说有多香,单那色泽就足以令人馋涎难抑。
- Through helplessness we may submit, but the voice of protest of ten million Americans must never cease to assail the ears of their fellows, so long as America is unjust. 虽然在孤立无援时,我们会忍受,但是只要美国还存在不平等,千百万美国人的抗议呼声决不会停止撞击他们同胞的耳鼓。
- To assail persistently, as with requests. 痛斥不断攻击,如用质问
- To assail with stinging criticism;excoriate. 痛责以尖刻的批评攻击;严厉地批评
- To assail with stinging criticism; excoriate. 痛责:以尖刻的批评攻击;严厉地批评。