- She wishes to be treated as nothing more than a common girl. 她希望被对待得只不过像一般的女孩子。
- Only wealthy people could afford to be treated with it in the old society. 在旧社会只有有钱人才有条件用它进行治疗。
- He was taken to the hospital to be treated for snake bite. 他因遭蛇咬而被送到医院治疗。
- No one like to be treated with neglect. 谁都不喜欢被人怠慢。
- These estimates need to be treated with caution. 要小心地对待这些估算值。
- He has come down in life. He used to be treated as a VIP but is now ignored. 他的社会地位已跌落,以往他被当作一个大人物,但现在被忽视了。
- Everyone has a right to be treated with respect. 人人有权受到尊重。
- History is not to be treated as relics. 历史不能作为遗产处理。
- We deserve to be treated respectfully. 我们理应受到礼遇。
- People want to be treated equally. 人们要求平等对待。
- A bleb grew how to be treated on white. 眼白上长了一个水泡怎么治疗.
- Teart everyone as you want to be treated. 像自己希望的得到的善待一样善待他人。
- Treat everyone as you wabt to be treated. 像自己希望得到善待一样善待他人.
- Among these, 16.5% needed to be treated medically. 经痛女生中的16.;5%25需要药物治疗。
- Expect to be treated as you have treated oth ers. 你怎样待别人,就指望怎样别人待你。
- Sufferred from ping-pong ancon how to be treated? 患了乒乓球肘如何治疗?
- Funnel bosom wants how to be treated! ? 漏斗胸要怎么治啊!?
- These topics need to be treated not just descriptively. 这些主题需要论述而不只是简单叙述一下。
- The boy objects to being treated as a child. 这个小男孩不喜欢被当作孩子看待。
- He objected to being treated like a guest. 他不赞成把他当作客人看待。