- It's always helpful to be well informed. 消息灵通总是有益的。
- She seems to be well in with the right people. 她和她应该相处的人看来十分融洽。
- Machinery ought to be well maintained all the time. 机器应该随时注意维护。
- Simply to be well dressed will signify propriety. 好的衣着会被看成代表恰当的唯一标准。
- Retirement life needs to be well planned. 退休生活需要善加规划。
- I have to be well preparing with you. 跟你打交道不得不做好准备。
- His fear turned out to be well founded. 他的恐惧证明是有道理的。
- Their defence seems to be well organized . 他们的防御似乎组织得很好。
- She seems to be well in with all the right people. 她似乎和所有大人物都关系很好。
- Everybody appears to be well prepared. 看起来大家都准备好了。
- That man deserves to be well licked. 那个人应当被人狠狠揍一顿。
- You've forgotten what it feels like to be well. 你忘记了身体健康是怎样的心情。
- They deserved to be well treated. 对他们应好好相待。
- They say the landlord used to be well off. 听说那个房东以前很富有。
- The population seemd to be well fed and clothed. 全体居民好像是丰衣足食。
- This room needs to be well swept out. 这个房间需要好好清扫一番。
- This scheme seems to be well thought out. 这一项计划书似乎考虑周详。
- The lesson needs to be well rubbed in. 这一课需要好好学习。
- The house needs to be well swept out. 这间房子需要好好打扫一下。
- Their defence seems to be well organized. 他们的防御似乎组织得很好。