- But they refused to bow to force. 但他们拒不向武力低头。
- They refused to bow to violence. 他们拒绝在暴力面前低头。
- You'll have to bow to the inevitable. 你将不得不向不可避免的事态低头。
- They advised me to bow to the old lady's wishes. 他们劝我顺从老太太的愿望。
- He had to bow to his father's wishes at last. 他最后不得不顺从父亲的意愿。
- We're tired of having to bow to authority. 我们对必须服从权威这一点感到厌倦。
- He had subjected her nature to bow to him. 他曾经降伏了她的本性,使她对他无比尊敬。
- The government had to bow to public pressure. 政府不得不向公众的压力低头。
- They refused to bow to the power of the church. 他们不向教会势力屈服。
- The world was to bow to her visible beauty. 整个世界都将对她出类拔萃的美貌顶礼膜拜。
- She knew the names of all the plants we came across and I had to bow to her superior knowledge. 她能说出我们碰到所的有植物的名字,我不得不佩服她那广博的知识。
- They were unwilling to bow to their defeat in the last minute. 在最后一分钟里,他们也不愿意认输。
- He has decided not to bow to anyone, and lead an honorable life. 他决定再也不卑躬屈膝地过日子了。
- The Chinese seem unlikely to bow to US pressure for a renminbi revaluation. 中国似乎不可能屈服于美国压力,让人民币升值。
- There seemed nothing to be done but to bow to the storm till it passed over. 看来,除了坐等暴风雨过去,我们什么事也干不了。
- I'm not going to bow down to such wrong opinions. 我不打算听从这种错误的意见。
- So the referee asks the competitors to bow to one another before each contest begins. 因此每次开始比赛前,裁判都要叫运动员相互鞠躬。
- Everything bow to success, even grammar. 所有一切均向成功低头,包括文法在内。
- The girl makes a bow to her teacher. 那女孩对她老师鞠了一躬。
- Since there was no way to make a fire,we had to bow to the inevitable and had some biscuits with snow. 因无法生火,我们迫于无奈,只好用雪拌饼干吃。