- to button a shirt collar 用纽扣装饰衬衣领子
- I need a shirt collar for my sewing class. 我上缝纫课要用个衬衣领子。
- He tries to button his own shirt, but he can not do it. 他试着扣好自己的衬衫,但是没有做到。
- He is constantly reminded of it whether the pinkie gets smacked in a game or caught while buttoning a shirt at home. 他时时刻刻感受得到疼痛,不论是比赛的时候手指碰撞还是与T-shirt接触。
- How many yards must I buy to make a shirt? 做一件衬衫要多少码的布?
- I loosened my shirt collar and breathed a sigh of relief. 我松开了衬衫的衣领,松了一口气。
- Please cut me enough of this cloth to make a shirt. 请给我剪下这块布,要够做一件衬衣的。
- He selected a shirt to match his suit. 他挑选了一件与他的套装相配的衬衫。
- The neck of a shirt gets dirty easily. 衬衫领口很容易弄脏。
- The girl's shirt collar is laced. 女孩的衬衣衣领饰有花边。
- So that I can respond to button clicks. 接口,这样就能响应按钮点击。
- His shirt collar chafed his neck. 他的衬衫领口把脖子磨腾了。
- A neutral tie can be worn with a shirt of any colour. 暗灰色的领带配什麽颜色的衬衣都行。
- The cop told him to button his lip. 警察叫他闭嘴。
- I felt like the shirt collar was choking me. 我感觉这个衬衫的领子卡着我。
- When he came to work for us, he hadn't a shirt to his back. 刚来为我们工作时,他一贫如洗。
- He tries to button his own shirt,but he can not do it. 他试着扣好自己的衬衫,但是没有做到。
- He tries to button his own shirt,but he can't do it. 他试着自己扣衬衣扣子,但他扣不上。
- He wants a shirt that does not bind him. 他要一件不使他觉得过紧的衬衫。
- He tries to button his own shirt, but he can't do it. 他试着自己扣衬衣扣子,但他扣不上。