- We managed to bypass the shopping centre by taking side-streets. 我们尽量走小路以绕过购物中心区。
- The front gate was shut,so we had to bypass. 前门已关了,所以我们不得不绕道。
- The highway was built to bypass the town. 高速公路绕经城市而建
- to bypass gas 使煤气通过旁通管
- It needs to bypass main blood vessels and important nerve tissues. 避开主要的血管、重要的神经组织
- The road is mending, and we have to bypass from here. 前方道路正在维修中,过不去。所以我们只好绕道而行。
- Car theives know how to bypass the ignition interlock. 偷车贼知道如何避开点火器安全锁。
- His bowel was obstructed and we operated to bypass that. 他的肠道出现梗阻,我们开刀为它加旁道。
- In order to further control the emission of SO2, it is necessary to research the feasibility of canceling bypass gas duct in Wet FGD, which leads to a series of practical problems. 为进一步控制火力发电厂SO2的排放,研究湿法烟气脱硫取消旁路烟道的可行性非常必要,但取消旁路烟道会产生相应一系列问题。
- The unloader is a valve that directs flow to either the nozzle or to bypass. 减压器是一个将水引流至喷嘴或旁路的阀门。
- Ctrl+W Toggle Ignore Groups mode to bypass entity and group selection. 转变为实体。将已选择物体转变为实体,或者将物体添加到一个选中的实体中。
- The men used their airport identification cards to bypass security screeners. 两人使用机场身份证通过安检出口。
- This permission allows the session to bypass the sender address spoofing check. 该权限允许会话绕过发件人地址欺骗检查。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。
- To bypass this impediment an almost mature egg cell is removed surgically. 为了克服这一障碍,通过手术,取出一个差不多成熟的卵细胞。
- To bypass a senior employee in order to promote a more junior employee. 破格提拔为了提升更多的低级职员而越过一些高级职员。
- If a vehicle travelling north to bypass Yingkou, more than 40 km away. 如果车辆往北行驶,必须绕行营口,要多走40公里之多。
- Don't forget to drop by at the gas station. 别忘了到煤气站去看看。
- The gas main explode and set fire to the house. 煤气总管爆炸引起房子失火。
- So he convinced his parents to bypass the usual kiddie venues and toss him a party on Saturday at a real dump. 迈克还说服了父母,在12月7号为他在真正的垃圾堆上举办生日派对,而不是像其他孩子那样过个普通而平淡的生日。