- October31. Voldemort and Quirrell send a Mountain Troll into Hogwarts to create a diversion while they try, unsuccessfully, to take the Stone. 月31日,伏地魔和奇洛在霍格沃茨放出一只山怪,以求声东击西赶去盗取魔法石,不过没有成功。
- The second year students were making this when Harry threw a firecracker into Goyle's cauldron to create a diversion. 二年级学生在制作肿胀药水,这时哈利往高尔的坩埚里扔了一个烟火,转移了大家的注意力。
- They fought against privilege in order to create a fairer society. 他们进行反对特权的斗争以便建立较为公平的社会。
- One of the gang create a diversion in the street while the others rob the bank. 一名匪徒在街上制造事端引人注目,其余匪徒则抢劫银行。
- We created a diversion to escape from prison. 我们为了越狱,声东击西,分散注意力。
- This ultimatum was bound to create a grave crisis. 这一纸最后通牒必然会引起严重危机。
- They are struggling to create a new social order . 他们在为建立一个新的社会秩序而斗争。
- How many ways are there to creat a network? 建立网络有几种不同的方法?
- It's easy to create a phony identity in cyberspace. 在信息网络世界很容易制作假身份。
- Use to create a tabular report of windows. 用于创建有关窗户的列表式报告。
- Failed to create a name for the volume. 未能为卷创建名称。
- The person's talk created a diversion of attention. 这个人的话分散了人们的注意力。
- To create a product that must satisfy a diverse audience of users, logic might tell you to make it as broad in its functionality as possible to accommodate the most people. 创建一个能满足广大用户群的产品时,逻辑上是使产品的功能尽可能广泛,以容纳最多的用户。
- A third peal created a diversion. 第三阵钟声打断了他们的思路。
- Failed to create a symbolic link. 未能创建符号链接。
- Jean Valjean's wound had created a diversion. 冉阿让的创伤成了一种改变情况的力量。
- Do not line up controls to create a sentence. 不要排列控件以创建语句。
- Do you want to create a Home Networking Setup disk? 要创建家庭网络安装盘吗?
- Do you want to create a backup before converting? 转换之前要创建备份吗?
- Do you want to create a forward lookup zone now? 您想现在创建正向搜索区域吗?